WWE Main Event Results: Final Episode With RAW Stars, Shining Stars In Action, Baron Corbin, Del Rio


After the usual WWE signature and Main Event opening video package, The GoldenTruth (Goldust & R-Truth) make their entrance, followed by the entrances of Apollo Crews, The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray & D-Von) and Baron Corbin.

Six-Man Tag-Team Match:The Golden Truth (R-Truth & Goldust) and Apollo Crews vs. The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray & D-Von) and Baron Corbin

Bubba teases tension with Corbin as he begins the match, squaring off with R-Truth. Bubba gets a headlock locked in on R-Trtuh, and maintains control until R-Truth starts dancing. Bubba runs at R-Truth with a clothesline attempt, R-Truth ducks it. R-Truth hits a kick on Bubba. Bubba hits a clothesline on R-Truth before tagging D-Von in. R-Truth goes for a head scissors, and gets most of it. Goldust gets the tag from R-Truth. Goldust goes for the cover twice. Bubba breaks up the second Pinfall attempt. The Dudleyz end up standing off with R-Truth, Goldust and Apollo Crews with Baron Corbin remaining on the apron even after being called into the ring by the Dudleyz. Apollo and R-Truth hit dropkicks on The Dudleyz as we head into the first commercial break.

Bubba pushes Goldust into the corner as Main Event continues. Goldust gets out of the way of a strike, prior to striking Bubba and Irish Whiping him to the opposite corner of the ring. Goldust runs into an elbow from Bubba. Bubba and Goldust exchange strikes before D-Von gets tagged in. The Dudleyz hit their reverse 3D before Baron Corbin tags himself and dominates Goldust for several moments as the Dudleyz call for a tag. Corbin knocks R-Truth off the apron, prior to Goldust hitting a spinebuster on him. Corbin tags in D-Von while Goldust tags in Apollo Crews. Crews clotheslines D-Von twice. Crews hits an elbow to the face of D-Von, prior to dropkicking Bubba. D-Von then clotheslines Crews score demanding that Baron Corbin tag him. Corbin drops off the apron. Apollo Crews hits a modified suplex, quite similar to the Angle Slam before pinning D-Von for the three count.

Winners: Apollo Crews and The Golden Truth

Kalisto and Viktor (with Konnor) make their entrances as Tom Philips and David Otunga talk about the Lucha Dragons announcing that they were splitting up before the draft.

Kalisto vs. Viktor (with Konnor)

Viktor throws Kalisto to the outside. Konnor attempts a clothesline on Kalista, but Kalisto ducks it and gets back in the ring. Kalisto hits a head scissors and a dropkick on Viktor. Viktor takes Kalisto down after a distraction from Konnor. Viktor pins Kalisto for a two count. Viktor stomps Kalisto several times before he rolls out of the ring. The referee backs Viktor up as Konnor attacks Kalisto outside the ring. Viktor rolls Kalisto into the ring and pins him for a two count. Viktor locks in a headlock. Kalisto tries to fight …

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