WWE CWC Results (7/20): Akira Tozawa Vs. Kenneth Johnson, Tajiri & T.J. Perkins In Action


We will be providing live ongoing coverage of tonight’s WWE Cruiserweight Classic, while you all can chime in with your thoughts throughout the show.

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Welcome to this evening’s Cruiserweight Classic. Mauro Ranallo and Daniel Bryan welcome us to tonight’s CWC. They talk about Bryan being named SmackDown GM. We head to Corey Graves in the CWC Control Center to review some of the first round matches.

We head to the ring as the ring announcer reminds us of the 20-minute time limit. First round matches continue tonight.

Tajiri vs. Damian Slater

The two shake hands. Tajiri showing his veteran ring awareness over the Aussie breaking a hammer lock into one of his own. Slater has the quickness advantage while Tajiri with the obvious striking advantage landing some stiff kick to Slater’s back. Tajiri into a wrist lock, reversed into a dropkick by Slater. The Aussie goes to the well one too many times and misses with a dropkick and is met with a boot to the midsection by Tajiri. The Japanese veteran regains control but Slater spins into a kick that glances Tajiri. Slater hits a corkscrew dive to the outside. Big running knee from Slater to Tajiri for a two count. They hit kicks on each other buy Slater takes advantage by taking out the knee. Tajiri applies an old favorite, the Tarantula! Springboard back elbow from Tajiri. Tajiri lines up a Buzzsaw Kick for the KO and the victory.

Winner via Pinfall: Tajiri

T.J. Perkins vs. Da Mack

Da Mack is quite the character with a little Michael Jackson vibe. The two shake hands and we are underway. They trade wristlocks and reversals. Unique headscissors and reversals from each competitor as they stylishly counter each other’s offense. TJP hits a “dab” for a pop from the crowd. More acrobatics that leads to a …

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