WWE NXT Results (7/20): Samoa Joe Vs. Rhyno, Tough Enough Talent Debuts, Bayley Vs. Nia Jax, More


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Tonight’s match-ups include Samoa Joe vs. Rhyno, Bayley vs. Nia Jax, and American Alpha vs. Authors of Pain.

Tom Phillips welcomes us to NXT and we head right to the ring…

Rhyno vs. NXT Champion Samoa Joe

A battle of the big guys begins. Rhyno looks for a shoulder block and Joe stands his ground. Rhyno goes for a second one but still no luck. Third time is the charm as Rhyno finally takes down the champ. Joe fights out of the corner with strikes and chops but is quickly shut down. Momentum swings back to Joe with a shoulder to Rhyno in the corner. After a series of power moves, Joe goes for the first cover of the match for a two. Joe with a big Irish Whip to the corner on Rhyno that takes him down. Joe follows up with a big elbow drop and a cover for two. Joe puts a claw on the right trap of the gore machine as Rhyno fights out. Joe hits an inverted atomic drop and the two begin trading blows. Rhyno takes advantage and hits a belly-to-belly on Samoa Joe. Rhyno lines up the Gore and gets a boot to the face. Rhyno goes for another corner attack but is spiked down by Joe with authority. Joe locks in the Coquina Clutch! Rhyno taps fairly quickly giving the W to the champ, Samoa Joe.

Winner via Submission: Samoa Joe

We go backstage to an interview with Asuka. She is asked who she would rather face to defend her NXT Women’s Championship. Asuka said she would face Nia Jax, Bayley, or both!

We get a look at last night’s WWE Draft and all the NXT picks. Very cool that they edited this in. NXT picks were Finn Balor, American Alpha, Nia Jax, Alexa Bliss, Mojo Rawley, and Carmella.

We head back to the ring for tag team action…

American Alpha vs. Authors of Pain

American Alpha makes their entrance but are attacked by the Authors of Pain on their way down the ramp. Graves puts over AOP noting we need more than just referees to remove them from the arena. Paul Ellering appears and is proud of his new clients’ work. AOP may be new to the game, but they are behemoths. We head to break to see if we get a match after they …

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