WWE SmackDown And Draft Results – Major Draft Picks, WWE NXT Call-Ups, WWE Title Match, More


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– The WWE SmackDown and Draft Kickoff pre-show opens with Renee Young, Lita, Booker T and Corey Graves. They hype tonight’s big event. In addition to Seth Rollins vs. WWE Champion Dean Ambrose, we will also see John Cena vs. Luke Gallows tonight. We go back to RAW and get a replay of the General Managers being introduced.

The panel hypes the WWE Draft more before going backstage to Ambrose and Tom Phillips. Ambrose says he doesn’t believe in draws and is confident going into his rematch against Rollins. We get a look back at the controversial RAW ending and more discussion from the panel. We get more hype for tonight’s show and Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte and Dana Brooke in a Handicap Match is announced.

More discussion from the panel on tonight’s Draft. Xavier Woods vs. Bray Wyatt is announced for SmackDown. Renee shows us some of the most shocking Draft moments from over the years. Tom is backstage with Sami Zayn, who doesn’t have a preference on where he goes but he hopes he doesn’t end up on the same brand as Kevin Owens as their match at Battleground should be their last. He also hopes Finn Balor gets the first pick from WWE NXT. More panel discussion and that’s it for the pre-show.

– Tonight’s live WWE SmackDown on the USA Network kicks off with General Manager Daniel Bryan coming out with Commissioner Shane McMahon. We’re live with Michael Cole, Mauro Ranallo, Jerry Lawler and Byron Saxton. Bryan and Shane join RAW Commissioner Stephanie McMahon and RAW General Manager Mick Foley on the stage. Stephanie tries to quiet everything but a “yes!” chant breaks out.

Stephanie and Foley announce the first Draft pick for RAW – Seth Rollins. Bryan and Shane select current WWE Champion Dean Ambrose for their first pick. Foley drafts current WWE Women’s Champion Charlotte. Shane picks AJ Styles. Foley selects WWE NXT Superstar Finn Balor for RAW next.

John Cena vs. Luke Gallows

John Cena’s music hits and out he comes to a pop. Luke Gallows is out next with AJ Styles and Karl Anderson. Enzo Amore and Big Cass make their entrance next to a pop. The match starts off with Gallows taking control. Cole sends us to commercial but the match keeps playing in a box in the corner.

Back from the break and Gallows has Cena down. Cena catches a kick and hits a shoulder tackle. Cena slams Gallows and goes for the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena hits it but Gallows slides out of the Attitude Adjustment and drops him with a kick. AJ and Anderson get on the apron, bringing Enzo and Cass to the other side. All six men are in the ring now, Cena and Gallows down. The Club charges but Enzo and Cass dump them to the floor. Cena nails an AA on Gallows for the win.

Winner: John Cena

– We go to the announcers for discussion on the first 5 Draft picks, and tonight’s WWE Title match. Still to come, Rusev and The Miz vs. Darren Young and Zack Ryder. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and the bosses are on the stage. Foley selects Roman Reigns for RAW and says that pick shows he means business. Shane selects John Cena for SmackDown. Stephanie drafts Brock Lesnar for RAW. Bryan selects Randy Orton for SmackDown. Stephanie asks Foley for a drum roll and announces WWE Tag Team Champions The New Day for RAW and they will be staying together.

Rusev and The Miz vs. Darren Young and Zack Ryder

WWE United States Champion Rusev is out with Lana. WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz is waiting with Maryse, as is Zack Ryder, Darren Young and Bob Backlund. The champions take control of Young early on as Backlund looks on. Ryder comes in and drops Miz for a 2 count.

Miz turns it around and in comes Rusev for more offense. Ryder finally turns it around with a neckbreaker. Young and Miz tag in and go at it. Young gets the upperhand and hits a belly to belly. Young with a Gut Check for a 2 count as Rusev breaks it. The end comes when Ryder nails a missile dropkick to Rusev on the floor. Young gets the word from Backlund and applies the Crossface Chickenwing on Miz for the win.

Winners: Zack Ryder and Darren Young

– Still to come, Sasha Banks vs. Dana Brooke and Charlotte in a Handicap Match. Also, Bray Wyatt vs. Xavier Woods. Back to commercial.

Xavier Woods vs. Bray Wyatt

Back from the break and The Wyatt Family makes their way out. WWE Tag Team Champions The New Day are at ringside. Wyatt with mind games early on in the match. Woods looks to be in a trance. Wyatt gets up from his knees and talks to him. Woods looks to snap out of it but Wyatt unloads on him. Wyatt beats on Woods in the corner as Braun Strowman and Erick Rowan look on from ringside.

Wyatt keeps control and keeps a second senton. He keeps Woods grounded and taunts Kofi Kingston and Big E at ringside. Woods looks to make a comeback but Wyatt gets the win …

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