WWE Monday Night RAW Results – Big Title Change?, General Managers Revealed, 12-Man Match, More


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– We’re live from Providence as Michael Cole welcomes us to WWE RAW. He’s joined by JBL and Byron Saxton. We go right to the ring as RAW Commissioner Stephanie McMahon makes her way out.

Stephanie welcomes us but is quickly interrupted by the music as SmackDown Commissioner Shane McMahon makes his way out.

Stephanie mentions that this will be Shane’s last night on RAW as he was named Comissioner of SmackDown. She will not miss working with him and he says the feeling is mutual. Shane says she wakes up every morning wishing she was born with testicles but she wasn’t. He says if she was his brother, that slap last week would have had consequences. Stephanie says lady balls are bigger than testicles and he can do nothing about her slap, like he will do nothing on SmackDown. Stephanie goes on to announce that they will be launching a new cruiserweight division and it will be exclusive to Monday nights, due to the success of the Cruiserweight Classic. She then announces the new RAW General Manager – WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley and out he comes.

Foley gets a pop and cuts a promo on taking RAW to new heights. Foley says he’s looking and willing to take RAW to the future and beyond. Shane congratulates them and jokes that he’s lost respect for Foley. Shane’s now intrigued to watch RAW instead of seeing Stephanie bury it. Shane goes on to announce the new SmackDown General Manager and out comes Daniel Bryan. Fans chant Bryan’s name and he says they must have missed him but not as half as much as he missed them.

Foley gets a pop and cuts a promo on taking RAW to new heights. Foley says he’s looking and willing to take RAW to the future and beyond. Shane congratulates them and jokes that he’s lost respect for Foley. Shane’s now intrigued to watch RAW instead of seeing Stephanie bury it. Shane goes on to announce the new SmackDown General Manager and out comes Daniel Bryan. Fans chant Bryan’s name and he says they must have missed him but not as half as much as he missed them. He goes on about having the support of the fans throughout his WWE career and says together, they an make SmackDown beat RAW every week because they’ve beaten The Authority before. Shane takes a shot and says Stephanie had to marry a wrestler to stay relevant. The segment ends with Bryan and Shane getting a “yes!” chant going.

– Still to come, Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose with the WWE Title on the line. Also, John Cena, The New Day, Enzo Amore and Big Cass vs. The Wyatt Family and The Club. Next, Sami Zayn and Cesaro vs. Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho. Back to commercial.

Sami Zayn and Cesaro vs. Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho

Back from the break and out first comes Chris Jericho followed by Kevin Owens. Cesaro and Sami Zayn are out next. Jericho starts off with Cesaro, who nails the gutwrench for a 2 count early on. Cesaro goes on with uppercuts before tagging in Sami. More back and forth and we go to commercial after Owens comes in to take control.

Back from the break and Jericho is in control of Sami. Owens with a cheap shot while the referee isn’t looking. They end up on the floor with Sami taking control. Cesaro tags in and unloads on Jericho with uppercuts. Owens tries to stop the uppercuts but gets dropkicked. Cesaro with the Uppercut Train on Owens and Jericho now.

Cesaro goes on and hits the springboard uppercut on Jericho for a 2 count. Sami and Owens eventually get tags and unload on each other with rights and lefts. Owens with a huge clothesline in the corner. Sami blocks the pop-up powerbomb and doesn’t see Jericho tag in. Jericho doesn’t see Cesaro tag in and gets hit with a crossbody for a 2 count. Back and forth between Cesaro and Jericho. The end comes when Sami rolls Jericho up for the win after kicking out of a roll up.

Winners: Sami Zayn and Cesaro

– We see Daniel Bryan walking backstage. He makes small talk with Goldust, R-Truth and Titus O’Neil. He stops at Stephanie next and she tries to mock his time away with wife Brie Bella. Bryan says he’s back and she compares him to the little doll in Chucky, saying he just won’t go away and is annoying. Bryan says he will take Chucky over Goat Face any day. Bryan mocks Stephanie and walks off. Back to commercial.

Darren Young vs. Alberto Del Rio

Back from the break and out comes Alberto Del Rio. Darren Young is out next with WWE Hall of Famer Bob Backlund. WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz is on commentary with Maryse at his side.

Back and forth until Miz gets on the apron to distract Young but it backfires. Del Rio rolls Young up but the referee is arguing with Miz. Young takes advantage and rolls Del Rio up for the win.

Winner: Darren Young

– We see Bryan and Shane backstage talking to Big Show. Still to come, the 12-man main event plus Dana Brooke and Charlotte vs. Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and out comes John Cena to a pop. Cena addresses The Club and says they can’t see him because he’s got the …

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