Russia Ran ‘State-Dictated Failsafe System To Protect Doped Athletes’ From Detection


Alleged state involvement in the Russian doping crisis has been confirmed, according to the WADA Commission report led by Prof. Richard McClaren. As the news unfolds, a system not far removed form the GDR’s State Plan 14:25 in some regards is suggested.

At a press conference proceedings in Canada now, the key findings have been outlined as follows:

The Moscow Laboratory operated, with the intention of protecting doped Russian athletes from detection, within a “State-dictated failsafe system” The Sochi Laboratory for the Winter Olympic Games of 2014 operated a unique sample swapping methodology to enable doped Russian athletes to compete at the Games The Ministry of Sport, the report states, directed, controlled and oversaw the manipulation of athlete’s analytical results or sample swapping, with the active participation and assistance of the secret services, the FSB (the Russian federal security service), the CSP, and both Moscow and Sochi IOC-accredited Laboratories

McLaren says that the report’s key findings have been proven “beyond a reasonable doubt”, and that the evidence is “verifiable”. He adds:

“I have unwavering confidence in the report”.

McLaren reads from the report and states that the Moscow Laboratory operated a state-dictated system for doped athletes, that the Sochi lab operated a sample-swapping methodology to allow Russian athletes to dope at the 2014 Winter Olympics, and that the Ministry of Sport oversaw the process, with participation from the Russian security service.

McLaren confirms that positive …

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