UFC 199: James Vick ‘It’s like they’re doing everything they can to avoid making new weight classes’

The UFC’s controversial new weight cutting regulations are just a month away from being rolled out officially at UFC 200, and there are growing concerns among fighters, fans and media pundits that while they aim to solve the problems of extreme weight cuts, it might just be opening up a whole new can of issues. The new guidelines, as reported by the Las Vegas Review Journal, state the following:

“There is also a stipulation that all fighters, beginning the week of UFC 200, must be within 8 percent of their target weight when they check in for fight week, which generally occurs on a Tuesday before a Saturday fight.

A fighter who doesn’t fall within that range is subject to daily monitoring of weight and vitals throughout the week and will be required to attend weight management counseling before his or her next fight.”

One of the most obvious problems with these proposed measures is that we’ll likely end up seeing fighters cut weight twice in one week. With dehydration such a dangerous risk, some alterations may be needed to implement any new guidelines effectively.

In a recent interview with the Three Amigos Podcast, lightweight standout James Vick expressed his concerns on how these new measures could affect him, especially since he’s pretty much the biggest lightweight in the division at 6’3″. Here’s what he had to say on the …

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