WWE Monday Night RAW Results – John Cena Attacked, Six-Man Main Event, Seth Rollins, More


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– Tonight’s WWE RAW from Green Bay kicks off with the entire roster on the stage. Lilian Garcia is in the ring and she leads us to a ten-bell salute for Memorial Day. We cut to an opening video for Memorial Day.

– We’re live from the Resch Center with Michael Cole, Byron Saxton and JBL. Shane McMahon’s music hits and out he comes to the ring. Shane hits the ring and Stephanie McMahon’s music hits. She comes out and joins him.

She hopes Shane wasn’t planning on doing this without him. Stephanie welcomes everyone but Shane has to outdo her. Shane talks about the New Era and how they’re shaking things up. He talks about SmackDown going live on July 19th. Shane says there will be better shows and better opportunities for everyone. Stephanie hypes tonight’s show with John Cena’s return, which gets a mixed reaction. The music interrupts and come WWE Tag Team Champions The New Day.

Xavier Woods, Kofi Kingston and Big E talk about SmackDown going live and say their emotions went from excitement to paranoia. They and Cole show us some online reactions to the brand split. Big E says the WWE Universe wants to know about one thing – brand extension. Shane confirms there will be unique rosters. Big E and Woods pick on Kofi for how long he’s been with the company. Kofi says everyone wants to know where The New Day is going. Stephanie says they haven’t made those decisions yet and they accuse her of dodging the questions. Woods says they can’t break The New Day up. Shane says as entertaining as they are, there’s nothing that’s off the table. They also ask who will be running SmackDown. Stephanie says that hasn’t been figured out either and everything is a work in progress. Shane says everything will be well thought out. They say there must be a sibling rivalry brewing. Big E issues a dance challenge between the two. Stephanie says that’s ridiculous but Shane is game. The New Day music hits and Shane does some kind of dancing in between Big E and Kofi. It’s not good. They call Stephanie to dance next and she accepts. Stephanie says if we want to see some real dancing, here it goes. The lights go out and here come The Vaudevillains to interrupt before Stephanie can bust a move.

The Vaudevillains vs. The New Day

Simon Gotch and Aiden English head to the ring for a non-title match as we go to the announcers. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and the match is underway. English ends up taking control of Kofi after a distraction from Gotch on the floor. Aiden beats Kofi down in the corner and in comes Gotch for a 2 count. Gotch keeps Kofi grounded now. English comes back in and nails Kofi with a right hand for a 2 count. Gotch comes back in but Kofi tries for a tag. Gotch stops him and English interferes, allowing Gotch to send Kofi to the floor. We go back to commercial as The Vaudevillains pose in the ring.

Back from the break and Kofi finally gets a tag. Big E comes in and unloads on English. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson run down, laying out Woods at ringside. Kofi tries to make the save but they take him out too. The referee calls for the bell.

– After the bell, The Vaudevillains double team Big E in the ring. Gallows and Anderson watch from the floor. They come in the ring and The Vaudevillains let them have Big E. They hit the Magic Killer on Big E as fans boo. The music hits as Gallows and Anderson stand over Big E in the ring. We go to replays with Kofi and Woods still laid out at ringside. We go to commercial.

– Back from the break and Renee Young catches up with Gallows and Anderson. Anderson says that was to prove they can do as much damage without AJ Styles. Gallows says their plan is to put The New Day, the tag team division and the whole roster on notice. Anderson says they’re just getting started.

– Cole shows us video of Sheamus attacking Apollo Crews backstage last week. Big Show approaches Crews backstage. Crews looks ready to fight and asks Show is he has a problem with the New Era too. Show’s been through all the eras but he’s not here to fight. They joke around and Show says he likes Crews because he has potential and grit. Show says Sheamus is in panic mode and doesn’t want anything to change because the new era is a threat to him. Show calls Sheamus a bully and says he picked on Crews because he thought he would back down. Show asks Crews if he is going to back down and then walks off.

– We go to the ring and out comes Goldust with a mic to introduce The Golden Truth. R-Truth is out rapping a new Golden Truth remix. They hit the ring and join the announcers on commentary. We go to commercial.

– Back from the break and they air a Kane promo to hype the new Warcraft movie

The Usos vs. Tyler Breeze and Fandango

We go to the ring and out come The Usos. Golden Truth is still on commentary. Tyler Breeze and Fandango are out next with their own entrance as Breezango.

We get a video of Breeze and Fandango cutting a promo earlier in the day. Breeze starts off with Jimmy Uso and they go at it. Lots of action from everyone early on. Jey Uso comes in but misses the Rikishi splash thanks to an assist from Fandango. Breeze nails a kick and in comes Fandango for a 2 count. Fandango takes control of Uso and works him over in the corner. Fandango taunts Golden Truth from the ring. Uso nails a big kick off while Breeze takes a superkick on the floor. Jimmy distracts Fandango from the floor, allowing Jey to roll Fandango up for the win.

Winners: The Usos

– After the match, Breeze and Fandango confront Golden Truth and a brawl breaks out. Truth takes out Fandango and whips Breeze into a powerslam by Goldust on the floor. Goldust and Truth hit the ring to pose as Breezango recovers on the floor and we go to replays.

– We get hype for Seth Rollins vs. Roman Reigns at Money In the Bank. Reigns will be here to speak tonight. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and out comes WWE World Heavyweight Champion Roman Reigns to a mixed reaction.

Reigns hits the ring and the heat is louder. JBL calls him a polarizing figure. Reigns says Seth Rollins has called himself the man since he sold out and ended The Shield. Reigns wonders how he can call himself the man when he keeps running from the guy. Reigns does his “…I am the guy” line and calls Rollins to the ring.

The music hits and out comes …

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