John Mara, Jeffrey Lurie, More Owners Talk Raiders’ Possible Move to Las Vegas


New York Giants co-owner, president and CEO John Mara said he was “open-minded” about having an NFL team in Las Vegas at last week’s NFL owners’ meetings, according to The MMQB’s Jenny Vrentas, who spoke to several other NFL owners about a team possibly moving there.  

The Oakland Raiders remain the most heavily linked with a potential move to Las Vegas—they have a one-year stadium lease in Oakland, the option for two more one-year leases beyond that and recently failed in a bid to relocate to Los Angeles—though relocating would require an extensive plan and financing for a new stadium, along with the approval of 24 of the NFL’s 32 owners.

Mara discussed how he’d approach such a move:

I would want to hear a presentation about it and the pros and cons, and obviously there are some concerns, but I am not going to rule it out. The gambling, is the market deep enough to support an NFL team, what kind of stadium would be there, what kind of support are they going to get from the community? Those would be the concerns.

Mara wouldn’t guess about the future of the NFL in Las Vegas just yet, though.

“Until there is actually a presentation with all the pros and cons, I …

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