Tomorrow we will get the 2016 European Canoe Freestyle Champions


The 2016 ECA European Canoe Freestyle Championships in Plattling, Germany, drifts towards the final stage. The athletes are already done with the preliminary round, quarter- and semifinals and only the best are still left in the game to fight for the European Champion titles.The finals are scheduled for Saturday, starting already in the morning with the final in women’s K1 junior category, followed by final in men’s K1 junior category. C1 men will fight for the medals at midday, women’s K1 final is scheduled for 14.00 and men’s K1 final for 15.00.

For all the information, please, visit official event website: results: is available on several channels, including ECA website, official event website, German Sportdeutschland channel, Sportscene …

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