WWE Smackdown Recap (5/26): Two Title Matches, Seth Rollins And Enzo Return To SD


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Also, make sure to join us right after the show for a LIVE WINC Podcast interview with Diamond Dallas Page!

– Michael Cole is out to talk to Dean Ambrose about Money in the Bank. Ambrose says he belongs wherever danger is, but is interrupted by Kevin Owens. Owens isn’t happy about Cole being there. Owens says his piece about winning Money in the Bank, and is interrupted by Sami Zayn, who says the same. Alberto Del Rio comes out, and Zayn says he has to get past Zack Ryder tonight first. Owens attacks Zayn from behind. Dean Ambrose tries to get Zayn with Dirty Deeds, but he escapes.

Money in the Bank qualifying matchAlberto Del Rio vs. Zack Ryder

Ryder comes out aggressively, but eats a snap suplex and a running boot to the mush. Del Rio and Ryder trade strikes in the corner before a Ryder flapjack. Ryder gets a wrecking ball dropkick and a neckbreaker outside the ring as we go to the break. We come back to see Del Rio land a big kick, but Ryder fights back with a jawbreaker and a Broski Boot. Ryder gets sent into the turnbuckle going for the Rough Ryder and kicked in the spine. Ryder avoids the double foot stomp and hits the Rough Ryder, but ADR rolls out of the ring. Del Rio comes back in and applies the armbar for the submission win.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio via submission (armbar)

– Enzo & Cass come out, but are interrupted by the Dudley Boyz. Enzo Amore cuts a promo saying he’s like Google Maps and isn’t afraid to address anything, and that he’s NOT like Willy Wonka and won’t sugarcoat anything. Big Cass says he’s ready to throw them a beat down. The Dudley Boyz pretend like they want to fight, but say they’ll do it on Raw.

– Rusev and Lana are backstage, and Rusev says Kalisto is a baby and a mosquito …

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