WWE Monday Night RAW Results – Seth Rollins Returns, MITB Qualifiers, Charlotte Turns On Dad, More


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– Tonight’s WWE RAW opens up with a look back at Extreme Rules. We’re live from Baltimore as the pyro goes off and Michael Cole welcomes us. He’s joined by JBL and Byron Saxton.

– We go right to the ring and out comes Seth Rollins to a big pop.

Rollins hits the ring and takes it all in before speaking. A “welcome back” chant starts up. Rollins says he’s been waiting 200 days to get back in his ring once again. Rollins says he’s back and he’s waited for months to take back the title he never lost. Rollins says he fired the first shot at Extreme Rules and shows us on the big screen. A “thank you Rollins” chant starts. Rollins asks if they missed him and they pop again. A “yes!” chant starts now. Rollins brings up how fans booed him every time he stepped in the ring after breaking up The Shield, how they called him the weakest WWE World Heavyweight Champion of all time. Rollins says fans were begging for someone to take the title from him, they called him a coward who hid behind The Authority. Then something profound happened, Rollins’ knee buckled under the weight of carrying the company on his back for so long. Rollins says he started getting get well tweets and comments, flowers in the hospital, so much fan mail he didn’t know what to do with it. Rollins says he didn’t open a single letter, he put the crap in a garbage can and lit it on fire. Some fans boo, some cheer. Rollins says he doesn’t need the fans and never did.

He says there’s only room for one person on his bandwagon – Seth Rollins. Rollins goes on and says it doesn’t matter if fans boo or cheer him because he’s back for one thing – the title he never lost. Rollins says he didn’t come back for the fans… the music interrupts and out comes WWE World Heavyweight Champion Roman Reigns. Rollins takes off his jacket.

Reigns makes his way down and enters the ring but Rollins leaves. Rollins rants around ringside about this being his time and his show. Reigns mouths back at him. The music hits and out comes Shane McMahon. Shane enters the ring with Reigns and invites Rollins back in. Rollins hesitates but comes back in. Shane says he thinks they all can have an adult conversation. A “you still got it” chant breaks out. Shane understands Rollins is back fro the title and says Reigns can understand that too. Shane announces Reigns vs. Rollins for the title at Money In the Bank next month.

– The announcers announce MITB Qualifying Matches for tonight – Sheamus vs. Sami Zayn, Cesaro vs. The Miz, AJ Styles vs. Kevin Owens, Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler, Chris Jericho vs. Apollo Crews. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and Renee Young is with Sheamus. Sheamus is tired of hearing about the New Era. He knocks Sami Zayn’s name and says what he’s going to do to Sami won’t be suitable for all ages.

WWE Money In the Bank Qualifying Match: Sami Zayn vs. Sheamus

We go to the ring and out comes Sami Zayn. Sheamus is out next.

They lock up and Sheamus takes it to the corner and backs off. They lock up again and Sheamus takes Sami down with a headlock. Fans start the “ole!” chants and they lock up again. More back and forth. Sheamus drops Sami with a shoulder. Sami with a heel kick. Sami with a chop in the corner. Sami with more shots in another corner. Sheamus fights back and drops him with a knee. Sheamus tosses Sami over the top but he lands on the apron. Sami ends up sending Sheamus to the floor for a breather after a hurricanrana. Sami follows with a forearm. Sami nails a moonsault from the barrier. Sami rolls Sheamus back in but Sheamus nails a running knee, knocking Sami off the apron. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Sheamus is in control inside the ring. We see the MITB briefcase hanging above the ring. Sami fights back but Sheamus hits a big powerslam for a 2 count. Sheamus climbs up for a superplex but Sami fights him. Sheamus gets knocked to the mat and Sami is forced to land on his feet. Sheamus with an Irish Curse backbreaker for a 2 count.

Sami nails a huge clothesline. Sami with a Michinoku Driver for a close 2 count. Sami unloads with lefts and rights. Sami climbs the turnbuckles but Sheamus kicks the rope and sends him to the mat. Sheamus misses a Brogue Kick and Sami sends him to the floor. Sami runs the ropes for a dive but Sheamus nails a forearm before he can dive. Sheamus comes in but Sami hits a Helluva Kick out of nowhere for the win and the spot in MITB.

Winner: Sami Zayn

– After the match, Sami celebrates as we go to replays. Sami heads to the back and Sheamus is left frustrated in the ring. Sheamus throws a fit and kicks the ropes as the cameras focus on him.

– Still to come, Charlotte delivers the state of the WWE Women’s Title. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and Apollo Crews is with Renee. Crews points to the punishment Chris Jericho took at Extreme Rules with the thumbtacks. He says this is the biggest match of his career… Sheamus attacks from behind. Sheamus destroys Crews and yells about the New Era. Sheamus leaves Crews laying and walks off.

– We go to the ring and out come WWE Tag Team Champions The New Day.

There’s a big sheet cake on a table in the ring and it says Happy Birthday. Kofi Kingston says the cake is here because RAW has been going strong for 1,200 episodes. Xavier Woods says RAW is more than 23 years old. They wish RAW a Happy Birthday. Big E says we all know a cake is never a safe place for a WWE ring. Big E goes to the floor and they pass the cake to him. They tease the cake going into the face of a little boy at ringside, then JBL, then Byron Saxton. Curtis Axel, Heath Slater and Bo Dallas suddenly attack Kofi and Woods from behind. The Social Outcasts take out The New Day as fans boo. They run a victory lap around the table in the ring after kicking The New Day out to the floor. We go to commercial.

The New Day vs. The Social Outcasts

Back from the break and the six-man match is underway. Slater is in control until Kofi turns it around. They start the Unicorn Stampede on Slater in the corner.

The New Day keep control of Slater until Axel and Bo pull him to safety. They run a Bo Train around the ring but Slater falls on his face. Woods launches himself over the top and takes them down. Kofi and Big E with the double team for the easy win.

Winners: The New Day

– After the match, they go to ringside and Big E grabs a big handful of cake. Woods tells him to put it down. Big E picks Slater up and runs him into the cake as Woods and Kofi hold it. The music hits and The New Day dances over a caked up Slater.

– Still to come, Cesaro vs. The Miz. Back to commercial.

WWE Money In the Bank Qualifying Match: Cesaro vs. The Miz

We go to the ring and out comes WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz with Maryse. Maryse introduces her husband and fans boo. Miz reminds us again how he’s still the IC Champion. He calls himself a future Money In the Bank holder, saying he did it before and he will do it again. Miz says he’s been on a roll since …

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