#LastTimeFedererMissedASlam: Twitter goes crazy after Roger Federer’s Withdrawal at the French Open


It didn’t take long for Twitter users to come up with a hashtag to sum up Roger Federer’s withdrawal from this year’s French Open.

The hashtag #LastTimeFedererMissedASlam became the most popular hashtag, after Roger announced his withdrawal from Roland Garros with a back injury. The last time Federer missed a slam was in 1999, in the last century, at the US Open and since then he had played all the Slams from the 2000 Australian Open to the 2016 Australian Open. Here are some interesting tweets about how tennis, and tennis players were when Federer last missed a slam: Bouchard and Robson were like this:  

#LastTimeFedererMissedASlam pic.twitter.com/uW0Gs2d9Oc — chiara gambuzza (@ChiaraGamTWI) 19 maggio 2016

One of the first Macs:  

#LastTimeFedererMissedASlam this was what mobile computing looked like #iBook #1999 #Federer pic.twitter.com/SqE2O9d5S3 — Gerard Raiti (@GerardRaiti) 19 maggio 2016

Nadal was a 13-year-old:  

#WhenFedererLastMissedASlam@RafaelNadal was 13 years old & competed in the ITF World Junior Tennis Finals (1999). …

continue reading in source www.tennisworldusa.org

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