WWE Smackdown Recap (5/19): Roman Reigns In Action, Dana Brooke Continues Dominating, Cesaro Vs. KO


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Cesaro vs. Kevin Owens

Miz, Maryse and Sami Zayn are on commentary, with Miz and Zayn bickering. Miz says MizTV was canceled tonight because everyone disrespects his wife. Cesaro opens with a dropkick, body slam and elbow drop, but Owens quickly kicks out. Owens dips out of the ring and gets a European uppercut right to his grill. Maryse distracts Cesaro, allowing Owens to attack and send Cesaro into the steel stairs.

Owens capitalizes with a running senton and an elbow to the back of Cesaro. The former Antonio gets his knees up on another one before delivering a boot to Owens’ mush. Owens knocks Cesaro off the top rope and connects with a cannonball as we go to commercial. We come back to see Cesaro lift Owens with an impressive avalanche gutwrench suplex. Owens gets frustrated and punches Zayn at ringside, but Cesaro somersault sentons him and then hits Miz. Cesaro lands a springboard uppercut and the Cesaro Swing, but Miz distracts him, allowing Owens to hit a superkick for two. Zayn tries to go after Owens, but Cesaro slugs him and Owens rolls Cesaro up for the win.

Winner: Kevin Owens via pinfall

Zayn Helluva Kicks Cesaro, but Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale on him. Owens scampers out of the ring and stares Miz down.

Paige vs. Dana Brooke

Becky Lynch is on commentary as Paige dominates the early going before getting tripped on the apron and knocked to ringside. Dana Brooke doesn’t retain control for long, as Paige knees her about three more times. Dana scores the Samoan Driver for the pin.

Winner: Dana Brooke via pinfall (Samoan …

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