Natalya Talks Being In The WWE RAW Main Event Slot This Week, Her Tough 2015, WWE NXT, Tyson Kidd


Source: Sporting News

Natalya recently spoke with Brian Fritz of Sporting News to promote Sunday’s WWE Extreme Rules pay-per-view. The full interview is at this link. Below are highlights:

SPORTING NEWS: Let’s talk about Raw from Monday night. It was yourself and Charlotte in the final segment of the show, the main event segment. Tell me what the day was like earlier — how and when did you find out that the two of your were going to be in that slot?

NATALYA: It was shocking to find out. I got to the arena and then we were told that you guys are on last. We were like “oh my God.” Not only are we main-eventing Raw but we’re closing Raw. It was surreal. And it’s still surreal. I was on my drive last night from Greensboro to Greenville and I was just processing it all, taking it all in and going wow. I can’t believe I did that. Just being able to hold up that Women’s Championship and to think about wrestling for 15 years and after going through the highest of highs, the lowest of lows. Being in that ring with Shane McMahon, Stephanie McMahon, Ric Flair and Charlotte Flair. You have the McMahons, the Harts and the Flairs and it doesn’t get any bigger than that in wrestling when you think about wrestling hierarchy and royalty. Our families have done so much over the years for this.

I hear certain, not a lot of girls, but some people are like “well, I’m sorry I wasn’t born into this.” But I was born into this and I’m not sorry about it. To me, it wasn’t an easy ride to be born into a big, crazy world of wrestling. (Monday) night, holding up that championship on Raw and closing Raw, it’s a huge moment for myself, it was a huge moment for Charlotte, it was a huge moment for women in the WWE moving our division forward. It just shows that WWE is embracing their women with all their efforts.

SN: How difficult was last year? There was the Divas Revolution, we were seeing some of the women move from NXT to WWE but we weren’t seeing much of you. There were a lot of people that had your back and …

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