More Clarification On Lilian Garcia’s WWE Status, Source Of Release Rumor Offers Apology


As noted earlier, Lilian Garcia issued a statement this afternoon on Facebook “to set the story straight” on her status with WWE after disappearing from television two weeks ago and rumors of her being released from her contract began circulating online.

Garcia said she is still with WWE and that she will return to Raw this Monday after tending to her ailing father. Her father has been battling bladder cancer as well as multiple Myeloma, and had recently become very ill. Garcia, however, says his health has improved and he is doing much better now.

Rumors of Garcia leaving WWE are being to attributed to former creative writer Court Bauer, who was led to be believe that she had quietly parted ways with the sports-entertainment organization, or at least was in the process of doing so.

On Friday, Bauer said on the MLW Radio podcast that the tenured ring announcer was released as part of WWE’s recent wave of talent cuts. After co-host John Pollock brought up Garcia’s tweet about returning to Raw this Monday, Bauer said he spoke to a WWE source just before he …

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