Paratriathletes press conference highlights #WTSYokohama


Leading paratriathletes gathered to share their thoughts ahead of their race in Yokohama this weekend. Here are the highlights from that press conference.

Stefan Daniel CAN PT4 Stefan has already qualified for Rio with win at the 2015 ITU Paratriathlon World Championships in Chicago.

How are you feeling ahead of the race and what are your goals for the race in Yokohama? “I had a great year last year and won some big races, but this year with Rio coming up everyone is going to be super motivated and aiming for a great race. Training is going well, I moved from my home to to Western Canada to train with some of the top triathletes, everything is going well. I need to stay consistent and of course to stay healthy. I am in good shape now and want a good race across all three areas with my swim a big focus, the goal is to maintain this form and aim for a good race in Rio. If I want to have success there I have to continue to train hard and do well in these sorts of races.”

Only three years in the sport, what is the secret for you? “I started as a swimmer at 8 years old and did that for a while until 2013, I also did running, track at high school and still do cross country running, I love that as much as Tri and it helps my running base each season. Having that background meant it wasn’t much of a shift to triathlon, I have always ridden a bike – I didn’t take it too seriously but then heard the announcement and the chance to go to the Rio Olympics in triathlon and decided to give it a real go.”

On his impressions of Japan

“This is my first time here and I have only been in the city for a couple of days. The course looks beautiful and fast, I am excited but for now focused on my preparation and then I will take a chance to look at the city afterwards and do some exploring, but for now the focus is on the race.”

Allysa Seely USA PT2 Allysa is another athlete already …

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