Trolls Predictably Hijack Jack Wilshere’s Question and Answer Session


Twitter question-and-answer sessions are essentially open invitations for the trolls of the internet to hijack the well-intentioned tweets. 

Add injury-prone, combative, oft-pollutant Arsenal midfielder Jack Wilshere to the occasion, and it was destined for disaster. 

But lo and behold… 

Have a question for Arsenal’s Jack Wilshere? Tweet them to us using the hashtag #AskJackWilshere

— ESPN UK (@ESPNUK) May 11, 2016

This was never going to end well, and everyone knew it. 

@ESPNUK #getspopcorn

— Robbie Gaston (@robbiegaston) May 11, 2016

Surely, SURELY someone could e guessed #askjackwilshere was a Terribe idea? #firefighting

— Christa (@christa_bloom) May 11, 2016

First up: injuries. And they’ve been plentiful.  

@ESPNUK Would you say your legs are as strong as crisps or more like aluminium foil? #AskJackWilshere

— Gentleman Hotspur (@Gentleman_THFC) May 11, 2016 

#AskJackWilshere If you reply to these questions too fast will it injure your fingers?

— Thomas Jones (@tomj191) May 11, 2016

What’s your favourite injury?@ESPNUK #askJackWilshere

— BC (@Spursesque) May …

continue reading in source

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