Contract killing UFC vet bailed out after cancer diagnosis


Oleg V. Volkov, presiding judge at the North Caucasus District Military Court in Rostov, took his seat at the raised bench overlooking the defendants he had repeatedly seen over the past year. Tall, stern, and chillingly serious, Volkov sat with perfect posture, eyes directed at Sergei Zirinov, a Krasnodar parliamentarian and member of the Legislative Assembly on trial for the alleged murders of of various political figures. Zirinov, along with five other defendants, were charged with “banditry, murder and arms trafficking.”

Volkov started menacingly at the so-called “Zirinov Gang’ locked in a glass cage known as the ‘aquarium.’ His eyes wandered to the only member of the gang who was unable to stand. His ashen, bloodless face barely able to return the judge’s glare.

Amar Suloev, a gifted fighter who faced the likes of Chuck Liddell and Chael Sonnen a decade ago, looked deathly.

For weeks, Suloev’s defence pleaded with the court to rush the defendant to emergency medical care. For weeks, Volkov denied their request. Suloev lost 48 pounds over the Christmas holidays and was incapable of consuming solid meals. Sips of water between bout of blood-soaked nausea kept him partially alive, though his body had suffered irreparable damage.

Overcome with bouts of dizziness, Suloev pled his own case to Volkov while seated:

“Your Honor, I am worse and worse. It’s a vicious circle. I could not participate in the process. From my judgment, I am returned to prison where nobody cares about my condition, and no one involved in my treatment. I’m not trying to make you pity. I can make anything you want. But what I want here? I really do not understand what is happening. I do not listen. I feel dizzy. Noise in the ears. Weight loss continues. I ask you to treat with understanding and adjourn.”

The prosecution, responsible for presenting the case in a criminal trial against the …

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