WWE Monday Night RAW Results – McMahons Work Together, Big Cass Vs. Chris Jericho, Charlotte, More


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– Tonight’s WWE RAW opens up with a look back at last week when WWE World Heavyweight Champion Roman Reigns and The Usos took on AJ Styles, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson in the main event.

– We’re live from Omaha as Michael Cole welcomes us. He’s joined by JBL and Byron Saxton. Tonight’s main event will see The Club take on Reigns and The Usos in a six-man Elimination Match.

– We go to the ring and out comes Chris Jericho for another edition of The Highlight Reel.

Jericho tells fans to shut up as he enters the ring. He says his guest was supposed to be Dean Ambrose but Ambrose isn’t here because of him. Jericho says he gave Ambrose a ruptured disc, whiplash and other injuries last week. Jericho says Ambrose may not be in WWE for a long time because of him but he has the next best thing… the remains of Mitch, the potted plant. Fans chant for Mitch. Jericho goes on and shows some of the many hilarious tweets about Mitch. Jericho says nothing was funny about Ambrose screaming in a hospital. He goes on and says Mitch has more worth to WWE than Ambrose. Jericho says people relate to Ambrose because he’s a slob and a loser just like the fans. Jericho says he can’t relate to that because he’s a Legend, the Superstar of all Superstars. Jericho says he doesn’t care about the new era because he’s going to give us what we want… the gift of Jericho. Jericho tells us to drink it all in. The music hits as fans pop and out comes Big Cass.

Fans chant “how you doin?” as Cass hits the ring. He tells them to shut up. Enzo Amore is still out of action with a concussion. Cass says if better have a receipt with that gift so he can take it right back to the store. Cass acknowledges Jericho is one of the greatest of all-time but says Jericho doesn’t understand what the new era is about. Cass says “we have arrived” is a warning. He warns Jericho that he’s arrived and says Jericho is standing in his way. Cass threatens to run through Jericho. Jericho tells Cass to run to the hospital and check on his buddy Enzo Annoying. Cass says he’s not running anywhere because we stand and fight in the new era. Cass stands up to Jericho and looks down at him, challenging him to a fight. Jericho goes to mention how he’s the best in the… Cass cuts him off and says Jericho may be the best in the world at what he does but he’s 7 feet tall and you can’t teach that. Jericho asks Cass if he wants to fight and tosses the mic. Jericho takes his jacket off but throws it over his shoulder and leaves the ring as fans boo. Cass calls Jericho SAWFT and Jericho runs back to the apron but takes a big boot. Cass’ music hits as Jericho stumbles to the back.

– We go to the announcers and they hype tonight’s show. Paige vs. WWE Women’s Champion Charlotte and Baron Corbin vs. Dolph Ziggler will take place. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and Jericho approaches Stephanie McMahon backstage. He says there’s no respect in this new era and Shane McMahon is to blame. Jericho wants to team up with Stephanie to end Shane and the new era. Stephanie says Jericho is right, Shane does foster all this behavior and she approves of it. She books Jericho in tonight’s main event against Big Cass. She does a bad SAWFT and warns Jericho to never try to drive a wedge between her and her brother again.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Baron Corbin

We go to the ring and out comes Dolph Ziggler. Baron Corbin is out next.

We get a sidebar video from Corbin, who says he’s not a part of the new era because this is his era. He says he doesn’t give a damn about anyone, especially Ziggler. They go at it and end up in the corner. Ziggler fires back and unloads, causing Corbin to retreat to the floor. Ziggler follows but Corbin knees him in the ribs and takes over. Corbin misses a big boot and gets hung up on the barrier. Ziggler dropkicks Corbin into the crowd. Corbin comes back over the barrier as Ziggler looks on from the ring. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Corbin is in control in the ring. Ziggler makes a comeback with a splash and a neckbreaker. Ziggler goes on but Corbin turns it back around with a big clubbing shot. Corbin stands over Ziggler and beats him around. Ziggler lures him in and hits a Fame-asser for a close 2 count.

Corbin blocks a Zig Zag and hits Deep Six for a close 2 count. Corbin puts a boot on Ziggler’s head and shows off as fans boo. Ziggler rolls him up for a 2 count. Ziggler with a splash in the corner and right hands. Corbin drops him into the top turnbuckle and hits End of Days for the win.

Winner: Baron Corbin

– Still to come, Reigns and The Usos vs. The Club in an Elimination Match. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we get a look at Stephanie banning Ric Flair from ringside at Extreme Rules last week. Charlotte and Ric Flair approach Shane backstage now. Ric praises Shane and Charlotte wants Shane to put Stephanie in her place in regards to Flair being banned from ringside. Shane says Stephanie’s decision will stand and Charlotte needs to learn how to stand on her two feet. Shane says Flair is also banned from ringside tonight. Flair can’t believe Shane and Stephanie are getting along.

– JoJo is backstage with Karl Anderson, Luke Gallows and AJ Styles. We hear boos from the arena. Styles wants to talk about last week before tonight’s Elimination Match. Styles says he had the chance to destroy Reigns with a steel chair but he didn’t, he took the high road. Styles says we saw what road Reigns took with the table powerbomb. Styles says he won’t hesitate to take Reigns out now. Style says he will get the title on his own but tonight, The Club is officially back together again. They “too sweet” each other and walk off as we go to commercial.

Fandango vs. R-Truth

Back from the break and The Gorgeous Truth is in the ring with Goldango. Goldust and Tyler Breeze go to ringside as the bell rings and Fandango locks up with Truth. Fandango drops Truth first and poses for boos. Truth counters, does some dancing and nails a hip toss. Truth with some more dancing and offense in the corner. Fandango dumps him over the top to the floor.

Fandango brings it back in the ring for a 2 count. Truth ends up getting the win after Breeze gets knocked off the apron. Goldust is shocked.

Winner: R-Truth

– After the match, Goldust is shocked. The two teams look on at each other as The Gorgeous Truth heads up the ramp.

– Kevin Owens, Cesaro, WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz and Maryse are backstage arguing with Shane and Stephanie. Stephanie announces a Triple Threat for the title at Extreme Rules. Sami Zayn walks up and says the fans want to see him prove he can be a champion. He proposes a match against The Miz and if he wins, the match at Extreme Rules is a Fatal 4 Way. The McMahons agree and everyone is dismissed. Stephanie tells Shane they handled that pretty well and she walks off as we go to commercial.

Paige vs. Charlotte

Back from the break and Natalya is on commentary. WWE Women’s Champion Charlotte makes her way out alone as Ric Flair is banned from ringside. Paige is out next for this non-title match. She gets a pop.

The bell rings and they lock up. Charlotte takes it to the corner. Paige counters and catches a kick, taking Charlotte down for a hold. Charlotte brags about this being her house but Paige kicks her in the face on the apron. They tangle on the floor and Charlotte sends Paige into the apron, then runs her over. Charlotte brings it back in and unloads with kicks in the corner. The …

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