The Powers of the Credential


The credential issued by tournament companies as the USTA is meant for every player, their team, family members, friends, media and employees who work in the sporting area. The credential not only admits you into areas to work, but it quantifies that you are working, have a status, a career in the venue for the time it exists. It is the highest card admittance in the establishment and ranks surpreme for everyone. As in the article “Scenes from Queens: Getting In” (in, a guy was finally hired by the US Open and felt relieved as he says “…the friendly, smiling lady in the media center…handing me my entrance to the kingdom…” He was now able to see up close and personal the tennis family from players to photographers and commentators and all staff affiliates of tennis, specifically here, The US Open, the so-called ‘kingdom’. 

Any time that a player or worker goes inside the confines of the venue, their credential’s bar code is scanned and computerized, telling the administration when you came in and when you went out. It detects a person’s movements in time, day and place by the bar code. Everyone breathes a bit easier knowing that their data …

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