RBI program creator John Young dies at 67


John Young, the man who was behind the creation of a program designed to increase the participation of African-American youth in baseball, died at a Los Angeles-area hospital on Sunday at the age of 67, according to information received by the Professional Baseball Scouts Foundation.

Cause of death was not released, but Young, who had been battling diabetes, was admitted to the hospital on Thursday for a leg amputation. Funeral arrangements are pending.

Young grew up in inner-city Los Angeles, and was a first-round Draft choice of the Detroit Tigers in 1969, the 16th player taken overall. His big league career was limited to two games for the Tigers in 1971 in which he was 2-for-4 with a double and an RBI.

But his impact on the game will live on.

Following his player career he joined the Tigers as a Minor League instructor in 1978, became a scout in 1979, and the Tigers …

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