Offseason checks spark leap in MLB drug testing


12:07 PM ET

As the baseball world awaits yet another PED suspension, as Outside the Lines reported this week, a potential explanation has emerged: The sport is conducting significantly more drug tests than ever before, particularly during the offseason.

Major League Baseball has handed down eight suspensions for performance-enhancing drugs to major league players this year. That’s one more than it issued all of last year and six more than in 2014. Seven of the 2016 suspensions came as a result of tests conducted during the offseason and spring training, sources said.

MLB officials say there are several explanations for the recent wave of positive tests — including better testing technology and a spike in the use of Turinabol — but one reason is an increase in the frequency of testing. Those increased tests are a direct result of the 2013 Biogenesis investigation that led to the suspensions of Alex Rodriguez, Ryan Braun and others.

That case led to a 2014 revision to the Joint Drug Agreement, negotiated by MLB and the players’ union, …

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