WWE Monday Night RAW Results – Big Six-Man Main Event, Contenders Battle Royal, Ambrose Asylum, More


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– Tonight’s WWE RAW opens up with a look at some of the developments from WWE Payback last night. We go to the normal RAW opening video.

– We’re live from the Scottrade Center in St. Louis as the pyro goes off and Michael Cole welcomes us to a new era. He’s joined by JBL and Byron Saxton.

– We go to the ring and out comes Stephanie McMahon to boos. She has a gift bag in her hand.

Stephanie heads to the ring and is announced as one half of the power of RAW. She says it feels great to be back and she’s wanted to do this for weeks. She goes to do a big welcome but Shane McMahon’s music interrupts and out he comes to a pop. Shane joins Stephanie in the ring and gets a pop. He welcomes everyone to RAW. Stephanie talks about how she learned how to do good in business and be a good business partner in the 7 years Shane has been away. Stephanie has a peace offering and hands Shane the gift bag, to show that she does wholeheartedly embrace this new partnership. Shane asks what the catch is and she says there is none. He pulls out a photo of Shane and Vince from when Shane was a kid, the same one Vince stomped on several weeks back. Stephanie comes off as genuine and asks Shane his ideas for tonight’s show.

Shane says he’s moved by the photo and asks Stephanie what her ideas are. She’s hesitant. She gets fans to pick whose ideas they want to hear and they cheer louder for Shane. Shane goes to present his ideas for tonight but the music interrupts and out comes Kevin Owens.

Owens calls it a lovely sight to see brother and sister in the ring on RAW, getting along and everything. Owens says he has an idea of his own, a great idea. Owens says the first decision should be to give him what’s his, a rematch for the WWE Intercontinental Title. Owens says he decimated Sami Zayn at Payback and proved he’s better. Owens says now it’s time for him to re-focus and he wants the IC Title rematch tonight. Owens says he has no hope in Shane doing the right thing after seeing how he’s done things lately but he praises Stephanie as a smart businesswoman. Owens says it’s in his contract, he’s owed a rematch. They all agree he has a valid point but the music interrupts and out comes Cesaro to a pop. Cesaro says he had The Miz beat in the middle of the ring but unfortunately for him and the Cesaro Section, the resident whiner and complainer put his nose where it belong. Cesaro says he would be standing here as champion if it weren’t for Owens. Shane says in the new era, we handle business in the ring. He announces Cesaro vs. Owens to determine a new #1 contender to The Miz. Shane’s music hits as Cesaro rips his suit off to reveal gear. We go to commercial.

#1 Contenders Match: Cesaro vs. Kevin Owens

Back from the break and WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz is out for commentary with Maryse. The bell rings and Cesaro immediately starts with the Uppercut Train.

Cesaro nails a dropkick for a 2 count. They end up on the floor and Cesaro nails Owens from the barrier. Cesaro brings it back in and goes to the top. Cesaro nails a crossbody for a 2 count. Cesaro keeps control and nails a stomp for another 2 count. Owens runs into an elbow but drops Cesaro with a big superkick. Owens with a senton for a 2 count. More back and forth. Owens drops Cesaro with a DDT for another pin attempt. Owens continues working on the shoulder now. Owens talks trash to Cole and Cesaro takes advantage. Owens comes right back and drops him with an elbow. Owens goes to the top but Cesaro cuts him off with an uppercut. Owens headbutts Cesaro from the top. Cesaro with a big dropkick. Cesaro climbs back up and brings Owens to the mat with a gutwrench. Cesaro with another 2 count.

Owens hangs Cesaro up on the top and he falls out to the floor. Owens hits a Frogsplash from the apron to the floor and goes back in the ring as we take another break.

Back from the break and Owens is still in control. Cesaro tries to fight back and they trade shots in the middle of the ring. Cesaro unloads with uppercuts and backs Owens into the corner. Owens turns it around and nails a German suplex. Owens with the corner cannonball for a 2 count.

Cesaro ends up hitting the flying uppercut and Owens goes to the floor for a breather. Cesaro runs around the ring and nails a big uppercut. Cesaro celebrates with the Cesaro Section and comes back to Owens but gets hit with an elbow. Owens takes the Intercontinental Title to hit Cesaro. Miz grabs it. Cesaro hits them both with uppercuts. Cesaro goes back in the ring and begins the Cesaro Swing on Owens but The Miz attacks them for the no contest.

– After the match, Owens and Miz argue before shoving each other. Cesaro hits them but they beat him down together. Sami Zayn’s music hits and out he comes to a pop. Owens throws Miz into Sami but Sami clotheslines Miz. Sami unloads on Owens and backs him down in the corner. Sami blocks a Skull Crushing Finale and hits an exploder suplex into the corner. Sami with a Helluva Kick on Owens as the crowd pops. Miz avoids a Helluva Kick thanks to Maryse and retreats up the stage. Sami picks the title up from the mat and looks around. A “yes!” chant starts up as Miz and Maryse look on from the stage. Sami raises the title and his music hits.

– Stephanie McMahon walks up on Dean Ambrose backstage. She asks what he’s looking at. He’s not buying this new smile she’s put on, he feels she’s still the same Stephanie McMahon deep down. She offers to be his guest on The Ambrose Asylum and he’s in. She says she’s looking forward to it and can’t wait to meet Mitch. She walks off and Ambrose mocks her. Back to commercial.

– Backstage segment with R-Truth and Tyler Breeze. Truth is trying to get their team together but says it was easier with Goldust. Goldust appears and has words with Breeze, ahead of their match tonight. Truth gets involved and Goldust says he has his own partner now, Fandango. Goldust and Fandango dance while Breeze and Truth pose for the selfie stick.

– AJ Styles is backstage talking to Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson. They say Styles was phenomenal last night but he reminds them he lost. They go on and say there’s no way Roman Reigns is leaving Extreme Rules with the title. Roman appears and fans boo. Roman asks if that’s right and they square up. AJ gets in the middle. Reigns says he has a lot of respect for AJ after last night but none for Gallows and Anderson. He says the interference proves they don’t believe AJ can be the guy on his own. Reigns asks if the three of them can beat the three of us… The Usos appear. Styles says he’s going to take the title on his own at Extreme Rules but tonight, he and the boys are going to give Reigns a taste of what to expect. Styles accepts the challenge. Reigns and The Usos walk off.

Goldust vs. Tyler Breeze

We go to the ring and out comes Goldust with Fandango. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and out comes Tyler Breeze with R-Truth, who has his own selfie stick now. Truth hands Breeze a do-rag after the bell. Breeze puts it on and charges but Goldust drops him. Goldust asks Truth why he never got one. Goldust keeps wasting time talking to Truth. Breeze finally takes advantage and attacks. Goldust puts him down again and turns his attention to Truth and Fandango, who are dancing at ringside. Breeze rolls a distracted Goldust up for the win.

Winner: Tyler Breeze

– WWE Tag Team Champions The New Day are walking backstage as we go to commercial.

– Back from the break and WWE Tag Team Champions The New Day are out to the ring. They will be defending against The Vaudevillains at Extreme Rules. Kofi Kingston starts off a bit serious and talks about Enzo Amore suffering a concussion at Payback. They get into regular New Day promo mode and Woods brags about Beyonce sliding in his DM’s. Big E says that didn’t really happen. Woods says The New Day will be waiting when Enzo is ready to return but until then… the music hits and out comes Simon …

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