WWE Payback: AJ Styles Vs. Roman Reigns (WWE World Heavyweight Title Match)


WWE World Heavyweight Title Match: AJ Styles vs. Roman Reigns

We go to the ring and out comes AJ Styles to a pop. WWE World Heavyweight Champion Roman Reigns is out to huge heat. We get formal ring introductions as the Reigns heat continues. The bell rings and fans chant for AJ. They lock up and Reigns shoves AJ into the corner for more boos.

Reigns with some overpowering to start but Styles counters. They go to lock up again as fans chant for AJ. Styles with kicks to Reigns’ legs. Styles works on the arm now. Reigns goes to the floor for a breather and takes his time coming back in. Some fans chant “Roman sucks” as he comes back in. Reigns tries to take it to the corner but AJ escapes and nails a forearm. AJ goes to the floor and tells Reigns to bring it. AJ rolls right back in and Reigns has to follow. AJ stomps away as Reigns comes back in. Reigns ends up hitting a big shoulder that knocks AJ out of the ring. More big boos from the crowd.

Styles comes back in and goes for the leg but Reigns knocks him down. Reigns with another big blow to the back of the neck. Styles staggers Reigns with a knee and a forearm. Reigns fights out of a clutch and turns AJ inside out with a big clothesline. More back and forth but my WWE Network feed goes out. We come back and Styles nails a running forearm as Reigns is on the mat. Styles with a 2 count. Styles puts Reigns on his shoulders and drops him over a knee for another 2 count. Another WWE Network pause. We come back and Styles has Reigns in the Calf Crusher. It’s broken and Reigns goes to the floor. Styles nails a Phenomenal Forearm from the ring to the floor, crashing Reigns through an announce table.

Styles makes it back in the ring but Reigns gets counted out.

Winner by Count Out: AJ Styles

– After the bell, AJ doesn’t look happy as he’s announced the winner. His music hits but is paused as Eden announces Reigns is still the …

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