ROH TV Recap (4/25): Bullet Club Elite, ReDRagon, KUSHIDA, Naito & Jay Lethal Team Up, Okada, More


Welcome to this week’s coverage of Ring of Honor TV from Wrestling Inc! This week’s show is brought to you from Japan! Also don’t forget that Wrestling Inc will have full, live coverage of ROH Global Wars on Sunday May 8.

Jay Lethal & Tetsuya Naito (w/ Bushi & Truth Martini) vs. Okada & Yoshi Hashi

Lethal and Okada start out and trade holds until Lethal shoulder blocks Okada. Lethal misses a Lethal Injection, but blocks a Rainmaker before a cartwheel dropkick. Naito and Lethal have words before the break. When we come back, we see Naito tag in for about two seconds before making Lethal come back in. Yoshi Hashi gets tagged in and beaten down by the heels for a couple of minutes.

Okada makes the tag to save Hashi and flapjacks Okada and DDTs Naito. Okada gets a flying elbow on Naito, but Lethal comes back with a Lethal Combination. Naito and Lethal go back to double teaming Okada, but Okada fires back with a dropkick and tags Hashi, who dominates Lethal with a suplex neckbreaker and a running cradle. Hashi hits a somersault neckbreaker on Lethal, but Martini grabs his leg. Lethal gets the Lethal Injection for the win.

Winner: Jay Lethal & Tetsuya Naito …

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