Pedro’s Boxing-Day Display Gives Chelsea Their Holy Trinity in Attack


The momentum has been building throughout their 12-match winning run, and Chelsea defeating Bournemouth on Boxing Day proved it: Antonio Conte now has his Holy Trinity of front men.

With no Diego Costa, owing to a one-match suspension, the goalscoring responsibility fell to Eden Hazard and Pedro against the Cherries. They didn’t disappoint, with the latter feeling aggrieved to have Chelsea’s third of the game taken off and credited as an own goal for Steve Cook.

That would have been Pedro’s second of the game, taking him to five Premier League goals this season. Even without that strike etched next to his name, the combined tally for Conte’s preferred three-man attack is still impressive.

Between them, Costa, Hazard and Pedro have an impressive 26 goals in the league this season. That’s more than 13 other Premier League teams combined; were it not for Pedro’s other “goal” against Bournemouth, it would be equal to Manchester United’s 27 this term.

All the pieces falling into place for Chelsea like…

— Bleacher Report UK (@br_uk) December 26, 2016

It’s that sort of return that creates dominance in teams. It’s what wins trophies and, better still, league titles. They’re not on the same level yet, but when we consider the success of Barcelona and Real Madrid in recent years, it’s by having a deadly trio of attackers that has made them appear unstoppable at times. There are another eight players to consider in this Chelsea side, but their roles are as the supporting act. It’s what happens in the final third that ultimately wins matches, and right now, none are competing with Chelsea when we consider the Premier League.

Costa’s goalscoring has been the cornerstone of Conte’s impact at Stamford Bridge. He’s won the team 16 points directly this season with goals that have decided games. To do that all season would be too much, but Chelsea shouldn’t be concerned by that, as Hazard and Pedro have stepped up.

Indeed, it was a notion that Bleacher Report suggested as far back as August. The Blues had just convincingly beaten Burnley 3-0, with Hazard finding himself on the scoresheet. While Costa didn’t score that afternoon, it was the link-up play of the pair that suggested where things could go for them.

Their performance spoke of an innate understanding that could prove lethal, but there was a missing piece. Willian had been the third player in attack for Conte’s side and despite scoring, he has never …

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