WWE SmackDown Results – James Ellsworth Gets WWE Title Shot, La Luchadora, IC Title Match, More


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– Tonight’s WWE SmackDown opens with the normal intro video.

– We’re live from The Joe in Detroit with Mauro Ranallo, JBL, David Otunga and Tom Phillips.

WWE Title Match: James Ellsworth vs. AJ Styles

We go right to the ring as WWE Champion AJ Styles makes his way out. James Ellsworth is out next and he’s hyped up.

AJ and Ellsworth have words and stare each other down before Greg Hamilton does formal ring introductions. They lock up and AJ sends Ellsworth into the corner but he puts on the brakes. AJ turns back around and catches No Chin Music. AJ unloads with strikes and drops Ellsworth. AJ takes his time and covers for the win.

Winner: AJ Styles

– After the match, AJ grabs Ellsworth and slams him face first into the ropes. AJ pulls Ellsworth out of the ring and manhandles him to the floor. AJ continues the assault and sends Ellsworth face first into the steel steps. AJ goes under the ring but throws Ellsworth into the frame of the ring instead. Fans want tables. AJ catapults Ellsworth under the bottom of the ring frame as referees yell at him to stop. AJ walks off and grabs the WWE Title as referees tend to Ellsworth. AJ turns back around and returns to the scene of the crime as fans pop. AJ nails a snap suplex into the barrier. AJ goes back into the ring and stands tall with the title. AJ takes the mic and says that has been building for 6 weeks and was a long time coming. Medics are out with a stretcher for Ellsworth now. AJ says now he can move on to bigger things in 2017. AJ says he doesn’t have to ask Santa for anything this year because he has it all, including the WWE Title. Dolph Ziggler’s music hits and out he comes.

Ziggler reminds AJ about their match next week. Ziggler mocks him for taking this long to beat Ellsworth. AJ says he won’t need but 1 shot to defeat Ziggler next week and it will be a cake walk. Ziggler says it won’t be that easy because he put his career on the line a few months ago and came out on top, so there’s nothing he won’t do to get his hands on the WWE Title. The music interrupts a staredown as Baron Corbin makes his way out.

Corbin says he should be getting the shot next week, not Ziggler. He calls Ziggler “little man” and asks how many chances WWE is going to give him. Corbin says Ziggler only earned the shot because he was gone. Corbin says Ziggler will lose next week because that’s what he does. Corbin says Ziggler doesn’t steal the show, he steals opportunities and wastes them. So next week… Corbin decks Ziggler and drops him. Ziggler comes back but Corbin nails End of Days as AJ looks on from the ramp. Fans chant “one more time” but Corbin declines and exits the ring as his music hits. AJ watches and backs up the ramp to the back.

– Still to come tonight, Dean Ambrose vs. Luke Harper. Also, Apollo Crews vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz. We go to commercial.

– Back from the break and Ziggler is backstage with Daniel Bryan. He wants a match with Corbin. Bryan grants it but if Ziggler loses, Corbin gets his title shot next week.

WWE Intercontinental Title Match: Apollo Crews vs. The Miz

We go to the ring and out comes WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz with Maryse. Apollo Crews waits in the ring. They lock up and go at it. Crews attacks and goes for early pin attempts. Crews ends up hitting a dropkick for another 2 count as Maryse looks on.

Miz rolls to the floor for a breather but Crews hits a baseball slide. Crews comes to the floor and goes back to the apron for a moonsault. They bring it back in and Crews keeps control, forcing Miz back to the floor to regroup. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Crews goes for another pin. Miz counters a move but Crews rolls through a Skull Crushing Finale attempt for 2. Crews slams Miz for another close 2 count. Crews misses a splash in the corner but Miz runs into an elbow. Maryse gets on the apron but the referee catches her trying to interfere. He ejects her from ringside. Miz argues with the referee. Crews takes advantage and rolls Miz up for a close 2 count.

Miz with a boot to the face. Crews catches Miz in mid-air with a German for another close 2 count. Miz ends up countering and hitting the Skull Crushing Finale …

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