WWE Monday Night RAW Results – Braun Strowman Attacks, Charlotte Vs. Bayley, Cesaro & Sheamus, More


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– Tonight’s WWE RAW opens with the usual video package.

– We’re live from Columbus as the pyro goes off. Michael Cole welcomes us and he’s joined by Byron Saxton and Corey Graves.

– We go right to the ring and WWE Universal Champion Kevin Owens is waiting with Chris Jericho. Owens welcomes us to The Kev… nope, The Chris and Kevin Show. Owens says there’s nothing he won’t do to make sure the title stays with him, even if it means taking a Codebreaker from his best friend. We see stills from “Roadblock: End of the Line” last night as Owens retained over Roman Reigns with Jericho’s help.

They talk about pulling off last night’s win and their friendship being stronger. Jericho gives him “The Hug of Jericho” and says they will be giving out payback to everyone the same way Santa Claus gives away coal. They knock Santa and Jericho calls him a stupid idiot. This brings out RAW General Manager Mick Foley, who isn’t happy about their knocks against Santa. Foley ends up making Jericho and Owens vs. Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns. Foley goes for the cheap pop but calls this Pittsburgh, not Columbus. Owens says they made sure he won last night and will do the same tonight. Foley is tired of Jericho getting involved in Owens’ title matches. Foley has a small cage lowered from above the ring, the same cage used at WWE NXT Takeover: Toronto with Paul Ellering. Jericho and Owens are not happy. If Jericho refuses to enter the cage, Foley threatens to prevent him from wrestling in a WWE ring again. Jericho ends up entering the cage but Foley has lost the key. He’s going to get the guys in the back to help get it open but in the meantime, Jericho is stuck.

– Back from the commercial and Jericho has been brought down from the cage. He’s backstage freaking out about the heights. Owens tries to console him but Jericho needs oxygen. Still to come, Reigns and Rollins vs. Jericho and Owens in the main event.

Big Cass vs. Rusev

We go to the stage, which is decorated for Christmas, and out comes Enzo Amore and Big Cass. Lana and Rusev are out next for this Roadblock rematch. The bell rings and they go right to work as Cass unloads.

Cass backs Rusev into the corner and unloads on him until the referee calls for the bell.

Winner by DQ: Rusev

– After the bell, Cass continues the beatdown as Enzo cheers him on from ringside. Rusev finally breaks free and retreats. JoJo announces Rusev the winner as his music hits and he stumbles to the back. Enzo and Cass stand tall in the ring.

– Still to come, new RAW Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and out comes Sasha Banks. She has her knee wrapped up and is using a crutch to walk.

Sasha enters the ring as we see stills from last night’s match. Sasha says tapping out three times last night not only almost broke her leg but it broke her heart. She says she and Charlotte have gone to war over the past few months and as much as it hurts her to say, the better woman won last night. Sasha says she calls herself The Boss but she doesn’t feel like The Boss anymore. Sasha calls Charlotte to the ring to look her straight in her eyes and congratulate her. Sasha waits and no one appears. Music finally hits but out comes Nia Jax.

Nia doesn’t care if Charlotte is coming out, she’s here to address Sasha. She says Sasha may be The Boss of these sheep but she will never be the boss of Nia. Nia says Sasha’s weak, wounded and most of all… just a little girl. Nia kicks Sasha’s bad leg out and she goes down. Nia picks Sasha up, yells that she’s the boss and launches her into the ropes. Sasha’s leg hits hard. Nia picks up the crutch and breaks it. Nia tosses the crutch and leaves the ring as Sasha looks on and we get a replay.

– Alicia Fox and Cedric Alexander are backstage walking. He has a match with Noam Dar next. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and Foley approaches Cesaro and Sheamus last night, talking about their big win over The New Day at Roadblock. Foley says he feels like a proud papa. He goes on and reveals the new RAW Tag Team Titles – similar to the SmackDown Tag Team Titles but with a red background. Sheamus and Cesaro argue about the color of the belts. A referee runs in and needs Foley for an emergency. The camera cuts to Braun Strowman throwing a fit and attacking crew members. Braun says Sami only lasted 10 minutes last night because he let him. Braun wants Sami tonight. Foley says Sami is 100 miles from here and suggests Braun take the night off. Braun threatens “or else” and walks off.

Noam Dar vs. Cedric Alexander

We go to the ring and Noam Dar is out as is Cedric Alexander with Alicia Fox. 205 live announcer Austin Aries joins Cole and Graves to call the match. The bell rings with Cedric unloading and taking control as we go to commercial.

More back and forth after the break. Cedric ends up making a comeback and hitting the Lumbar Check for the win.

Winner: Cedric Alexander

– After the match, Alicia joins Cedric in the ring for a celebration. Dar speaks from the floor and congratulates Cedric. Dar says they must be even now but no, Cedric has what he wants… the beautiful Alicia Fox. Dar says all he wants for Christmas is Foxy baby. Cedric talks trash as Dar makes his exit and Alicia looks on.

– We see The New Day walking backstage. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and out comes The New Day. Not calling them the RAW Tag Team Champions is odd. They have a few words before the new RAW Tag Team Champions Cesaro and Sheamus come out. Kofi Kingston jokes about them getting new belts the first day after winning but says they knew someone would take the titles one day and they’re glad it was Cesaro and Sheamus. The New Day congratulates them. Sheamus speaks but Xavier Woods shuts him down and gets a “shame” chant going. They were congratulating Cesaro, not Sheamus. Cesaro and Sheamus go to enter the ring but they’re having issues with each other.

Sheamus brings up breaking The New Day’s …

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