WWE Roadblock: Kevin Owens Vs. Roman Reigns (WWE Universal Championship Match)


The following is from our live coverage of WWE Roadblock. To access our full coverage, click here.

Kevin Owens (C) vs. Roman Reigns (WWE Universal Championship Match)

Current United States Champion Roman Reigns makes his entrance to a flock of boo birds. Split reaction for the Universal Champ. Owens out for multiple regroups to get started, attempting to frustrate Reigns. The US Champ is having none of it and heads out to deliver a big slap to the Universal Champ. Action back inside and Owens locks in his patented side head lock. Reigns powers out with a slam and covers Owens for a one. Action spills back outside and the announce table gets introduced into the equation. Reigns no-sells a stomp to the fingers. Reigns whipped to the corner but recovers with a rebound clothesline. Back outside again as Owens lures Reigns into the steel steps.

Side head lock in again, and Owens expands his repertoire. Reigns with a neck breaker to get out of a bad situation and creates some space. Owens locks it in once again and gets a chin lock over while talking trash. Reigns gets out and dodges a running senton while catching his breath. They trade big right hands and clotheslines. Roman digs into the reserve with several forearms in the corner. Owens with forearms of his own as …

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