WWE Roadblock: Chris Jericho Vs. Seth Rollins


The following is from our live coverage of WWE Roadblock. To access our full coverage, click here.

Seth Rollins vs. Chris Jericho

Crowd split with dueling “let’s go Rollins” and “Y2J” chants. They locks up and feel each other out as Jericho heels up the crowd. Nice chain wrestling as Rollins reverses and heads clasps in an arm submission. Whip to the ropes and a kick to the face of Jericho. Y2J sent to the corner but able to get the boot up and send Rollins down. He follows it up with a missile drop kick and side suplex. Rollins tries to make a comeback with strikes but is quickly halted. Jericho talks trash to Rollins in the corner and lays in a few kicks for good measure. Rollins able to counter. Action heads outside as Jericho looks to prep the announce table, but is met with a flying knee from Rollins coming off the apron. Back in and Jericho rakes the eyes as official gets caught in the middle. The veteran gets caught for a flip into the corner post. Official tries to break them up on each side the rope. …

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