Sound Off Reactions On If Kevin Owens Or Roman Reigns Should Win At Roadblock: End Of The Line


Yesterday we asked you who should win tonight at Roadblock: End of the Line, Roman Reigns or Kevin Owens? With over 150 comments, here are some thoughts that trended throughout the comments.

1) Owens should win – Plenty of different opinion from you guys, but the loudest was that Owens should win on Sunday night. It would not only provide more credibility to title, but would allow Owens to have a title feud against Chris Jericho. Jericho has been one of the highlights of Raw for months, and him going after the title is something a good chunk of you want to see. It would be an added plus if Owens could win clean against Roman, as unlikely as that is.

2) Owens, the bad champion – It might be fair to say Owens is better as a challenger than a champion after the sour run he’s had. His reign has not yielded very many memorable moments, outside of anything that he’s done with Chris Jericho. Even though many of you voiced this complaint, you weren’t exactly big on Reigns taking the title away from him, so it’s a bit of a “lesser evil” decision.

3) Neither – We’ve basically seen Reigns as champion in his current state, so unless he turned heel, nobody really wanted to see him get the win. As just mentioned, Owens hasn’t been much better, so many of you didn’t really care if he …

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