TNA ‘Total Nonstop Deletion’ Results (12/15): ‘Tag Team Apocalypto’, World Title Match And More


“Total Nonstop Deletion”The Hardy Compound In Cameron, North Carolina

It’s finally here!! It’s like Christmas Morning!! #TND #TotalNonstopDeletion TONIGHT on @PopTV


My family, #HouseHardy, delivers pro wrestling to you in an UNPRECEDENTED way in 45 mins.INDULGE in #TotalNonstopDELETION & #Apocalypto.

— #BROKEN Matt Hardy (@MATTHARDYBRAND) December 16, 2016

Total Nonstop Deletion begins with Senor Benjamin. He reads a disclaimer to the viewers in Spanish. The subtitles appear on screen and they read “Good Evening, Tonight’s Impact Broadcast contains scenes that are performed by trained and licensed professionals. Please do not attempt any of what you are about to see”. An onscreen disclaimer follows this that says that no drones were harmed during this event.

This is followed by a video. Reby Hardy is playing “Obsolete” on a piano next to The Reincarnation Lake. Broken Matt is on Scarsguard in the Lake. Brother Nero is on the grounds, preparing to carve out his symbol. Senor Benjamin is carrying explosives. Preparing the compound for battle. “King Maxel” is inside a wrestling ring indoors. He stares at the ring entrance. Which is a painting of his father’s face.

We now cut to an “Action News” special report from WCAM News in Cameron, North Carolina. Tag Team Apocalypto is previewed by the news anchor. He warns residents to stay indoors during this battle. The news reports seismic activity at The Hardy compound. They go on the scene with reporter “Betty Sue Fuentes”. She is standing in front of a live volcano. Then interviews nearby witnesses. One of them happens to be “Itchweeed”. He is listed as a landscaping consultant. Pulls out his weedwacker and scares off the reporter.

BREAKING NEWS: @MattHardyBrand’s #TotalNonstopDeletion is causing quite the scene in North Carolina. Don’t miss #ImpactOnPop TONIGHT 8P/7c.

— Pop (@PopTV) December 15, 2016

An aerial view of the compound is provided by Vanguard 1. Josh Mathews intros the event. He is at the “Dome of Deletion”. He is doing the broadcast with Jeremy Borash. A ring is set up inside the compound. Local fans are on hand in attendance. The Broken Hardy’s and Senor Benjamin head to the ring. Broken Matt addresses the crowd. He hypes Tag Team Apocalypto. Says that the 7 deities told him that if the Hardy’s lose tonight. That they will be deleted and promises that it will not happen. Matt then hypes up his son Maxel’s in ring debut tonight. Rockstar Spud’s music hits and he interrupts Broken Matt, and heads to the ring.

Broken Matt says that Spud is a man worthy of deletion. Spud says that he will not be deleted tonight. Rockstar says that he is sick of The Hardy’s, Senor Benjamin, Reby, but most of all. He is sick of Matt’s “greenhorn” son Maxel. Spud says that he wants Matt’s stupid kid gone. Spud gets upset because the crowd chants for Maxel. Says that Maxel is more over than he has ever been. This upsets him. Spud challenges Maxel to a match. Promises to stretch him and teach him a lesson. Wants to make him a loser just like his father. Broken Matt says that he already had an opponent scheduled for Maxel, but as promoter, He will change Maxel’s opponent and sanction Spud as the replacement. Spud says that he is going to teach Maxel a lesson and beat him before promoters can push him to the moon. Matt calls on a licensed official and then introduces his son to the ring.

Rollin up hot in his Benz @BabyHardyBrand is ready to take on @RockstarSpud in a No Disqualifications match! #TotalNonstopDELETION




King Maxel w/Reby Hardy vs. Rockstar Spud

Maxel arrives to the ring in a mini Mercedes benz. He does the delete gesture when he gets into the ring. Senor Benjamin sneaks up behind Spud and tazes him. Maxel performs a perfect pinfall cover and pins Rockstar Spud.

King Maxel defeats Rockstar Spud by pinfall in about 16 seconds

Baby’s first pin. #TotalNonstopDeletion #ImpactOnPop@BABYHARDYBRAND @MATTHARDYBRAND @RebyHardy

— Pop (@PopTV) December 16, 2016

Disco Inferno is shown backstage, looking through the curtain. He says that “Thank God it wasn’t him tonight”.. He reveals that he was originally scheduled to face King Maxel.

Another Action News report airs after the break. Betty Sue Fuentes is live on the scene reporting. She is near a closed road, preventing people from coming to The Hardy Compound. Shane Helms shows up with Trevor Lee and Andrew Everett in a pickup truck. The reporter warns them that there is a natural disaster nearby. Helms says that he is used to those. He tells her to “stand back because he is coming through”. The Helms Dynasty drives through the road signs.

The Rock and Roll Express arrive to Matt Hardy’s home. Matt greets them at his front door. Ricky Morton asks Matt for beer. Then thanks God for making crazy people, because there is a “bunch of us”. We go back to the Action News broadcast. The anchor, Gilbert Corsey says that he is excited about The Express and The Hardy’s wrestling. Wants to call his bookie and bet on that match.

BREAKING: The Rock ‘n’ Roll Express at the Hardy Compound for #TotalNonstopDELETION!!


Sienna is now inside the dome of deletion. She calls out anyone to face her in the ring. Out comes Vanguard 1. The referee comes down to the ring. He says that he will not allow a drone to wrestle a woman. According to commission rules. He then bans Vanguard 1 from the ring.

Sorry @Vanguard1AAR…only humans can fight #TotalNonstopDELETION


Sienna grabs the mic and says, that she should have specified a person, when she laid down her open challenge. The camera pans to a food truck on the outside of the Dome. Coming out of the truck is O.D.B. She heads to the ring with her trusty flask in hand.

O.D.B. vs. Sienna

ODB style match here. It starts off as a brawl. She gets the early advantage. Then hits a bronco buster on Sienna in the corner. Follows that up with what could be called a Lou Chest Press rather than a Lou Thesz press. Borash and Mathews clown around on commentary about the compound setting. Josh talks about there being no 5 star hotels nearby. Any chance, We can delete Josh Mathews tonight….. Action continues in the ring. Sienna regains the advantage on ODB when she accidentally knocks down the referee. She delivers a kick to ODB, and then goes to get a steel chair on the outside. Sienna tries to hit ODB with the chair, She misses and ends up hitting herself with it. ODB has Sienna pinned. Vanguard 1 is on the scene and heads inside the ring to make the 3 count. The fallen ref is back up and stops Vanguard from counting to 3. Sienna is back up and hits the silencer on ODB and pins her for the victory.

Sienna defeats O.D.B.

By virtue of this win. Sienna is announced as the # 1 contender to Rosemary’s Knockouts Championship. After the match. Sienna celebrates her victory and then leaves. A recovering ODB spots Vanguard One beside her in the ring. She lifts VG1 up and rubs her chest on him.


— Vanguard1 (@Vanguard1AAR) December 16, 2016

Broken Matt Hardy is backstage, and The Helms dynasty has arrived. Matt assumes that Trevor Lee is in costume. Says that his costume is worse than the one he had on at Treat or Delete. Shane informs Matt that Trevor is not wearing a costume. That he always looks like that. Shane says that they are entering Tag Team Apocalypto. “Scribe” is now on the scene and takes notes for Matt. Matt tells him that tonight, someone here will enter the Lake of Reincarnation and that it will be the most appaling reincarnation ever seen. Matt tells Shane that he can’t wait to render The Helms Dynasty obsolete.

Back from the break. A video airs for “Itchweed”. He is set to make his in ring debut. He arrives at The Compound and heads to the ring.

There’s certainly only one #Itchweeed! …

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