WWE Tribute To The Troops Results: Tag Main Event, Miz’s Challenge, Cruiserweight & Women’s Action


Welcome to WrestlingInc’s coverage of WWE Tribute to the Troops. Superstars from both RAW and SmackDown Live join forces for the 14th annual version of WWE’s sports entertainment spectacular giving back to the Armed Forces of the United States.

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– Stephanie and Shane McMahon open the show and say they are putting their differences aside tonight for this show. We get a video package highlighting previous Tributes from across the country.

– This event emanates from the nation’s capitol of Washington D.C. Lillian Garcia returns to sing the National Anthem which leads to “USA” chants to officially kickoff the event.

– United States Champion Roman Reigns makes his way to the ring as we’re greeted by tonight’s announce team; Michael Cole, Byron Saxton, and JBL. Reigns says he’s proud to be the US Champ, but the real heroes are the troops in the crowd. He begins to thank those in attendance, but then everyone’s favorite Canadian spoils the party. The WWE Universal Champion Kevin Owens says it’s touching that Reigns paid tribute to the troops, but he forgot to thank him for carrying RAW. Reigns says it’s not about him, it’s about the troops. Owens says it doesn’t matter since he’s from Canada. Owens says if Reigns’ US Title was on the line at Roadblock, he’d win and take it back to Canada and slap a nice maple leaf on it. Reigns challenges Owens, but Rusev and Lana chime in before they can lock up. Rusev wants to talk about the greatness of Bulgaria, but does so with a Southern US drawl. Lana reminds us again that Rusev is the only one that can have her. Rusev he will crush Reigns like he did Little Enzo. Cue Big Cass to make the save as the heels look to attack. Huge pop for the New Yorker and we have our main event set for tonight, made by Mick Foley.

– Matches announced for later include the Wyatt Family vs. American Alpha and Dolph Ziggler along with a Fatal 4-Way tag match to determine a new number one contender to the New Day. That match is up next.

Sheamus & Cesaro vs. Gallows & Anderson vs. Golden Truth vs. Shining Stars (Fatal Four-Way to determine new #1 Contender)

Sheamus and Cesaro get the highlighted entrance before this one. They look like they’re mostly on the same page so far. Sheamus and Gallows lock up to get us started. Gallows with the shoulder tackle and throws up the Club symbol. Goldust now in with Epico tagging Gallows as well. Goldy cleans house and lands a back body drop on Epico. He goes for a corner attack but Primo moves his partner out of harm’s way. They capitalize by sending Goldust into the ring post and to the outside as we head to break.

We’re back and Primo still in control of Goldust, but Gallows makes the tag and keeps the face-painted veteran in their corner. Cover for a two as R-Truth tries to get the crowd involved. Tag made to Anderson and he continues the onslaught. Sheamus saves a pin and Cesaro sends someone outside. Power slam from Goldust to set up the simultaneous tag with Truth and Primo in. Truth goes through his spots and is tagged by Cesaro. Corkscrew to the outside and celebrates on the announce table as he heads back in to deliver an uppercut and cross body to Primo. Cover for a two. Time to go swinging but the Shining Stars save the other from going on the trip. Sheamus tags in, hits a Brogue Kick, and gets the three for the win. They look in tune with one another after the win heading into their title match on Sunday at …

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