WWE Main Event Recap: Bo Dallas Gets A Win, Sin Cara, Jinder Mahal Vs. Darren Young


The Main Event opening video kicks off the show after the usual WWE signature. Darren Young (w/Bob Backlund) and Jinder Mahal make their entrances as Tom Philips and Byron Saxton check in on commentary.

Jinder Mahal vs. Darren Young (w/Bob Backlund)

Mahal locks in a headlock, Young rolls out of it. Young locks in an armlock, Mahal gets to the ropes. Young briefly locks in a headlock, Mahal elbows him in the face. Young hits a pair of arm drags on Mahal before locking in another armlock. Mahal gets to the ropes. Mahal kicks Young before attacking the back of his left knee. Mahal briefly locks in a knee submission. Mahal backs Young into the corner. Mahal hits a dragon screw on Young. Mahal stomps Young. Young sends Mahal out of the ring. Mahal gets back in the ring. Young hits a pair of overhead belly-to-belly suplexes on Mahal. Mahal rolls to the apron, Young follows. Young hits a backdrop on Mahal on the apron. Back in the ring, Mahal fights out of a Gut Check attempt by Young. Young dodges an attack attempt by Mahal before hitting the Gut Check. Young pins Mahal for the win.

Winner: Darren Young

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