WWE 205 Live Results (12/6): Cruiserweight Title Match, Gallagher Vs. Daivari, Alexander Vs. Dar


Thank you for joining WrestlingInc’s coverage of WWE 205 Live. Tonight’s episode will feature a rematch for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship between new champ Rich Swann and challenger Brian Kendrick.

– We open up with a video package of Swann’s big win last week and furthering his back story. Three man booth once again with Ranallo, Graves, and Aries. Aries makes fun of the “rumors” of Ranallo’s contract status. We head straight into the ring for singles action.

Noam Dar vs. Cedric Alexander

Before the match, we get a look backstage at Alicia Fox with Alexander. She say’s she’ll be watching every move and plants a smooch on the star from North Carolina. Clean handshake gets us started as it appears they’re shifting fans to camera-side once again this week. Side head lock form Dar, but his stutter steps when running ropes already scare me. He reapplies the head lock and moves into an arm submission. First match should be high paced in my opinion, but we’re deflating the building so far. Alexander able to create some space. Cedric heads to the air but Dar ducks and Alexander makes a halt. Dar slows the pace once again with more submissions and ground and pound. Alexander busts out of the corner now with some chops, but gets kicked back down. Chemistry between these two not exemplary. Finally we have a “let’s go Cedric” chant and it fires him up enough to land a flurry of strikes. Running cross body from Alexander into the corner followed by a kick and flying cross body. Cover for a two. Alexander shaking out the left arm after it being worked over the majority of the match. Dar counters Alexander’s signature springboard rope run with a kick to the left arm. Dar applies another arm bar and Alexander fails to makes the ropes. Cedric counters into a pin, but unable to get the win. Alexander misses on a split leg moonsault but Dar sends him into the ring post. Running kick from Dar gets the win.

Winner via Pinfall: Noam Dar

– After the match, Dar makes light of Swann’s interview last week and boasts his new contract. He dedicates the match to Alicia Fox, much to the crowd’s chagrin.

– Video package highlighting Mustafa Ali. Thought he performed really well in the CWC. He confidently touts his all-around in-ring ability.

– Backstage with Rich Swann and …

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