WWE TLC Results – James Ellsworth Appears, New Champions Crowned, Baron Corbin Vs. Kalisto, More


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– We’re live from Dallas as the 2016 WWE TLC Kickoff pre-show opens with Renee Young, Booker T, Daniel Bryan and Hot 97’s Peter Rosenberg. We see tables, ladders and chairs all over the arena. They welcome Rosenberg and hype tonight’s pay-per-view. Bryan says he’s excited to see who will step up. Renee sends us backstage to Tom Phillips in the Social Media Lounge. He will be joined by Alexa Bliss later tonight. Fans can submit questions with the hashtag #AskAlexa. Renee reveals a 10-man tag team match for tonight with American Alpha, Apollo Crews and The Hype Bros vs. The Ascension, The Vaudevillains and Curt Hawkins.

We get more discussion from the panel on tonight’s show. Bryan leaves after they discuss tonight’s Intercontinental Title match. Bryan and Peter believe Ziggler will take the title. We get discussion on tonight’s Chairs Match next and then the SmackDown Women’s Title match. Natalya joins the panel and talks about being in the Tables Match years ago. She says whoever wins tonight’s match will be on a different plane and it will change both of their careers. Natalya and Booker believe we will see a new champion tonight. We go back to Alexa in the Social Media Lounge with Tom Phillips. Bliss knocks Renee’s outfit. She’s asked her inspiration. She says Trish Stratus, watching her growing up was inspiring. Rey Mysterio was another idol she had growing up. Bliss goes on and talks about why she deserves being champion over Becky Lynch. Bliss ends up walking out and we go back to the panel.

Apollo Crews, The Hype Bros and American Alpha vs. Curt Hawkins, The Vaudevillains and The Ascension

We go to the ring and Mauro Ranallo is on commentary with JBL and David Otunga. Chad Gable and Jason Jordan are out first for their team as Greg Hamilton makes the introduction. Zack Ryder and Mojo Rawley are out next, followed by Apollo Crews.

Simon Gotch and Aiden English are out first for their team, followed by Konnor and Viktor. Curt Hawkins is out next as the heels head to the ring. A pre-recorded intro from Hawkins plays and he refers to the city as Houston. Hawkins and Crews start off going at it. Hawkins takes Crews down first and shows off. Crews takes advantage and turns it around. Crews with a dropkick for a 2 count.

Ryder tags in but Hawkins wants none of him. Viktor tags in and takes control of Ryder. Viktor runs into knees in the corner but keeps control after a back elbow. Ryder counters with a neckbreaker and a 2 count. Mojo tags in for some double teaming in the corner. Mojo slams his opponent and does the Hammer Time move. Mojo takes out Konnor’s knee now. English comes in but Mojo turns it around and tags in Jordan. Jordan with a takedown and a tag to Gable for some double teaming. They also clear the apron, then hit a double dropkick on Gotch. Aiden gets sent to the floor. Gotch charges but he also gets thrown out. Both teams take turns tossing each other to the floor. Crews is the last one, tossing Hawkins. He stands tall until both teams come back in and face off. They start brawling. The babyfaces clear the ring and stand tall as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Hawkins is in control of Gable. More tags between the heels as they keep Gable down. Fans rally for Gable now. Gable finally gets the tag and Jordan comes in to unload. Gotch breaks up a 2 count. The Hype Bros take out The Vaudevillains. The Ascension takes out Mojo. Alpha takes out The Ascension with leaping clotheslines from the top. Hawkins nails Crews but Crews suplexes him from the apron onto other guys on the floor. Alpha hits their finisher on Gotch for the pin.

Winners: American Alpha, The Hype Bros and Apollo Crews

– We go back to the pre-show for talk on tonight’s main event. Booker and Peter go with AJ Styles retaining over Dean Ambrose. Renee sends us to a video package and that’s it for the pre-show.

– The 2016 WWE TLC pay-per-view opens up with a video package.

– We’re live from Dallas with Mauro Ranallo, JBL, Tom Phillips and David Otunga.

SmackDown Tag Team Title Match: Randy Orton and Bray Wyatt vs. Rhyno and Heath Slater

We go right to the ring and out comes Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper and Randy Orton. SmackDown Tag Team Champions Heath Slater and Rhyno are out next as we get a look at some of the international announce teams.

Wyatt and Rhyno go at it to start. Wyatt turns it back around early on and tags in Orton for a quick double team. Orton unloads on Rhyno but misses a clothesline. Rhyno with a shoulder tackle. Slater tags in for some double teaming. Slater goes to work on Orton now. Orton cuts him off and beats him down. Slater nails a leg lariat and a big right hand in the corner. Orton counters and dumps Slater to the apron. Harper distracts the referee, allowing Wyatt to sweep Slater from the apron. Orton keeps control and in comes Wyatt. Wyatt mounts Slater and beats on him for a 2 count.

Orton comes back in and goes for the second rope draping DDT. Slater fights him off. Slater fights off Orton and Wyatt. Slater comes in over the top but Orton catches him in a big powerslam for a 2 count. Wyatt tags back in now. Slater fights Wyatt and Orton off again. Rhyno gets the tag as Wyatt slams Slater. Rhyno unloads on Wyatt.

Harper ends up taking one for the team on the floor as Rhyno Gores him. Rhyno goes back in the ring and doesn’t see Orton get tagged in. Orton runs in the ring and nails a RKO outta nowhere to Rhyno for the win and the titles.

Winners and New SmackDown Tag Team Champions: The Wyatt Family

– After the match, The Wyatt Family stands tall as we go to replays. Harper brings the titles in and hands them to Orton and Wyatt. Harper bows to Wyatt and sells the Gore. Wyatt places his title over Harper’s shoulder and says something to him. Orton comes face to face with Harper. Orton places his title on Harper’s other shoulder. Wyatt drops to his knees as Orton and Harper pose behind him.

– We get backstage comments from Dean Ambrose and WWE World Champion AJ Styles in separate segments. Ambrose indicates James Ellsworth is not here tonight. He also quotes Dusty Rhodes and says there will be “hard times” for AJ tonight. AJ doesn’t seem concerned about Ambrose’s confidence.

No DQ Match: Carmella vs. Nikki Bella

We go to the ring and out first comes Nikki Bella. Mauro leads us to a video on this feud as Carmella makes her way out.

They go t the floor and start. Nikki ends up bringing it back in but attempting a powerbomb on the apron. Carmella fights it off as the referee warns them to bring it back in the ring. Carmella sends Nikki into the steel steps with a head scissors. Carmella sends Nikki into the barrier. Carmella comes back in the ring as Nikki sells a leg injury. Nikki makes it in before the 10 count and kicks out at 2. JBL says this is No DQ but there are count outs. Carmella keeps working on the leg now. She suplexes the leg into the ropes and poses as fans boo her.

Carmella puts Nikki in a Tree of Woe and goes under the ring for a kendo stick. Carmella brings it in and mocks John Cena before hitting Nikki with the kendo stick a few times. Nikki falls to the mat. Carmella with another kendo stick shot. Nikki fights her off now. Carmella unloads with the kendo stick. Nikki fights out of a hold with kendo stick shots. Carmella grabs the stick again but wastes time and Nikki kicks her from behind, dropping her on the floor. Nikki grabs the stick but Carmella rams her into the barrier. Nikki rams Carmella back into the apron. Nikki stands on top of the barrier and hits a big roundhouse kick to the face. Nikki brings Carmella back into the ring and beats on her with the kendo stick.

Carmella dumps Nikki to the floor. Nikki sprays her in the face with a fire extinguisher. Nikki brings the extinguisher in the ring and sprays her again. Nikki empties the extinguisher and scoops Carmella for the Rack Attack 2.0. She hits it for the pin.

Winner: Nikki Bella

– After the match, Nikki is making her exit when Carmella recovers and yells for the music to be cut. Carmella says she hopes Nikki is proud of herself. Carmella says Nikki hasn’t evened the odds after what happened at Survivor Series but she didn’t because she wasn’t the one who attacked Nikki that night. Carmella reveals that it was Natalya who attacked Nikki.

– We get a video package for tonight’s Ladder Match.

– Dasha Fuentes is backstage with SmackDown General Manager Daniel Bryan. Bryan praises Ziggler and believes he’s a better representative for the SmackDown brand. Bryan admits …

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