WWE TLC: Carmella Vs. Nikki Bella (No DQ)


The following is from our live coverage of WWE TLC. To access our full coverage, click here.

No DQ Match: Carmella vs. Nikki Bella

We go to the ring and out first comes Nikki Bella. Mauro leads us to a video on this feud as Carmella makes her way out.

They go t the floor and start. Nikki ends up bringing it back in but attempting a powerbomb on the apron. Carmella fights it off as the referee warns them to bring it back in the ring. Carmella sends Nikki into the steel steps with a head scissors. Carmella sends Nikki into the barrier. Carmella comes back in the ring as Nikki sells a leg injury. Nikki makes it in before the 10 count and kicks out at 2. JBL says this is No DQ but there are count outs. Carmella keeps working on the leg now. She suplexes the leg into the ropes and poses …

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