TNA Impact Wrestling Results (12/1): Broken Matt Returns, Two New Champions Crowned, Cage Match


Tonight on #IMPACTonPOP



Impact opens with a video recap. It chronicles the recent history between the DCC and The Hardy’s. How Jeff Hardy attempted to take on the DCC by himself, only to be defeated by them. Also featured in the video package is Matt Hardy’s recovery from amnesia last week. When the “7 Deities” sent him a sign courtesy of a bolt of lightning.

Impact Grand Championship Match

Aron Rex takes the mic prior to this match. Which will have Grand Championship rules. Rex says that he has established his title as the greatest of all. Rex issues an open challenge to anyone in the back. Moose’s music hits and Rex asks that Grado’s music be hit instead. Rex yells stop and tries to get Moose to not come to the ring. His pleas fall on deaf ears.

Aron Rex vs. Moose

Round One

It’s been awhile. Same 3 round format. 10 point scoring system by nameless judges….. Clock starts and Rex attempts to stall for time and avoid Moose. He runs to the outside and performs a cartwheel. Nearly 1 minute has already gone by. Rex and Moose finally lock up inside the ring. They battle briefly, Rex rakes Moose’s eye. He recovers and just like that, Hits Aron Rex with the “Game Changer” discus lariat and pins him.

Moose defeats Aron Rex by pinfall in 1:15 to become The New Impact Grand Champion

Moose beats Rex with just 1:45 left in the 1st round. Moose is introduced as the new champion. While Rex lays on the mat stunned. Jeremy Borash is in the ring to interview Moose. He says that this is why he came to TNA. To become a champion. Moose challenges everyone in the locker room to come after his title. Leads the crowd in a Moose chant…. Jeremy goes over to Aron Rex. Trying to get his feelings on the loss. Rex refuses to talk. Says that he can’t do this. He covers his head in a towel, starts crying and walks away.



Jeff Hardy is in the parking lot. He is asked if Matt will be joining him tonight. Jeff says that he is unsure of his brother’s mental state. He is happy to be seeing him regardless of when he arrives. Says that he and his brother will successfully defend their tag titles tonight. That it’s going to be deja vu. Something he has seen before.

Later tonight @MattHardyBrand & @JeffHardyBrand defend the #TagTeamTitles! #IMPACTonPOP


When the show returns. A promo airs for the six sides of steel cage match for the vacant TNA Knockouts Championship between Jade and Rosemary later tonight.

The DCC makes their way into the ring. In their black suit/white tie/white mask attire. James Storm takes the mic in ring. He keeps the mask on and his voice is distorted. A recording plays over the sound system. “Storm” says that the DCC represents people who have been trampled on and passed by. Storm says that they are not here to delete or make anyone obsolete. He then goes on to say that The Hardy’s are going to be erased….. That when The Hardy’s fall. They will rise. Jeff Hardy’s music hits. He arrives alone with both tag titles draped over his shoulders. Jeff gets into the ring and confronts the DCC. He gets on the mic and tells them that they think that they are a virus. Jeff says that the DCC is not going to spread on TNA. That they will be facing him and his brother for the tag titles. The two men who survived the great war. The two men who got stronger from The Final Deletion. Jeff tells the DCC that their movement will end with the push of the delete button. He starts a delete chant with the crowd. The DCC take off their masks. Eddie Kingston in his own voice, laughs at Jeff and asks him where Matt is. Jeff strikes him and The DCC pounces on Jeff. Storm grabs the tag title and hits him with it. They both beat down Jeff as the crowd chants for Matt…. DCC’s countdown clock appears on screen and when the lights go out, “Broken” Matt Hardy is in the ring. Matt attacks the DCC and sends them out of the ring. Jeff gets on the mic and with his back turned to Matt. He says Brother Moore?…. “I knew you’d come”. Not sure if Jeff is playing a joke on Matt by calling him Moore. Could be a shout out to his buddy Shannon Moore…. anyway… Matt gets on the mic and says that the tag titles belong to their broken brilliance. He says that his memory has been restored and is more vivid than ever. The Hardy’s will defend the titles against the DCC later tonight. Matt changes what the DCC acronym stands for to “Deletion Coming Cowards!”. Matt leads the crowd in a “Delete” chant to end the segment.

A promo airs featuring Team Go For Broke. Mandrews, Braxton Sutter and DJZ talk about their team and their upcoming 3 way match for the X title tonight. All 3 men say that they will all still be a team, no matter who ends up winning.

Three-Way Match for The TNA X Division Championship

DJ Z vs. Braxton Sutter vs. Mandrews

These 3 men actually won a Team X Gold elimination match last week, that led to this. With the winning team getting an X Division Title Shot. Go For Broke won, so Z has to defend against his two partners.

Tornado styled 3-Way with all 3 men starting off in the ring. Z is disposed of and sent to the outside of the ring early on. Mandrews and Sutter go at it for awhile. Mandrews hits Sutter with a basement drop kick. Z is back in. Mandrews then hits a northern lights suplex on him. Follows that up with a standing moonsault. He covers DJ for a 2 count. Z rolls to the outside of the ring. Sutter is back up. He hits a powerslam on Mandrews. Braxton ends up being thrown to the ropes and backflipped out of the ring by a returning DJ Z. Mandrews then kicks Z off of the ring apron. He ends up leaping onto the steel steps, and moonsaulting onto both Z and Sutter on the outside. …

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