IAAF: No reinstatement for Russia yet


The Russian athletics federation (RusAF) has so far failed to meet the required conditions to allow it to be reinstated as an International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) Member and the country’s athletes to return to international competition, the sport’s world governing body has said.

Speaking at a press conference following the two-day 207th IAAF Council meeting in Monaco, IAAF Taskforce independent chairperson Rune Andersen announced that while RusAF has made some progress towards satisfying the reinstatement conditions since June this year, some key issues remain.

The suspension of RusAF as an IAAF Member has been in place since November 2015 and it came after a World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Independent Commission report detailed findings including a “deeply rooted culture of cheating” in Russian athletics.

“I reported to the Council today that RusAF has made further progress towards satisfying the reinstatement conditions since June 2016, including rolling out anti-doping education modules for coaches and athletes, securing cooperation of the Russian criminal authorities with their French counterparts, and the Russian parliament – the Duma – passing a new law criminalising the supply of prohibited …

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