WWE Monday Night RAW Results – Falls Count Anywhere Main Event, Sami Zayn – Mick Foley, More


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– Tonight’s WWE RAW opens with a look back at last week’s main event.

– We’re live from Charlotte, North Carolina with Corey Graves, Michael Cole and Byron Saxton.

– We go right to the ring and Chris Jericho is in for another episode of The Highlight Reel. He introduces his guest and out comes WWE Universal Champion Kevin Owens.

Owens is honored to be on The Highlight Reel for the second week in a row. They start knocking the fans and the Thanksgiving holiday. They are superior because they’re Canadians. They had Thanksgiving last month and Jericho says Canadians are always ahead of the curve. The USA chants start up now. Owens and Jericho go on about what they’re thankful for. Jericho is thankful for Seth Rollins because he proved what happens when you let your ego and pride take over your life, he proved he’s the epitome of a stupid idiot. They rail on Rollins for failing last week. Jericho says that wasn’t him who interfered last week wearing a Sin Cara mask, clearly it was Sin Cara wearing a Chris Jericho mask. Jericho says Cara got The Mask of Jericho and put it on, maaan. Owens says due to the apron powerbomb Rollins took last week, he hasn’t been medically cleared to be here tonight. The music interrupts and out comes WWE United States Champion Roman Reigns.

Reigns has words and says Owens as Universal Champion is a huge joke. Owens fumbles his words but they play it off. Owens says the only joke is Reigns calling himself The Guy. Reigns says that’s no joke, he is The Guy. Some fans boo. Reigns says Owens is just a guy around here, and who needs help. Owens asks what he needs help with exactly. Reigns says he needs help with everything. Owens says he doesn’t need Chris Jericho. Jericho shoots Owens a look. Reigns disagrees and says Owens would’ve lost the title if he didn’t have Jericho last week, and the week before that, the week before that, and so on. Jericho has heard enough. He goes to add Reigns to The List but keeps going on and on… Owens yells at him to shut up. Jericho looks stunned. Owens says Reigns can’t talk to him this way. Reigns asks what he’s going to do about it. Owens threatens him with an apron powerbomb. Reigns says there’s the Owens he wanted to talk to. He doesn’t care about Joke Owens Joke, he wants Fight Owens Fight. Reigns challenges Owens to a match for tonight and if Reigns wins, he gets a title shot at Roadblock. Owens accepts for tonight and says he just brought himself onto The Kevin Owens Show. Reigns says he loves that show but here’s a spoiler – he will be kicking Owens’ ass by the end. They have words as Reigns’ music hits. Owens leaves with his title.

– Still to come, the RAW Women’s Title will be on the line. Also, Michael Cole’s sitdown interview with Paul Heyman. We go to commercial.

– Back from the break and Chris Jericho is with Kevin Owens backstage. Jericho wants to know why he told him to shut up and said he doesn’t need him. They argue and both say they don’t need each other. Mick Foley walks up and confirms tonight’s Reigns vs. Owens match. Jericho ends up walking off.

Braun Strowman vs. R-Truth

We go to the ring and R-Truth waits as Braun Strowman makes his way out.

The bell rings and Truth strikes first but Braun shuts him down. Braun unloads and splashes Truth in the corner. Strowman with a big running powerslam for the easy win in Truth’s hometown.

Winner: Braun Strowman

– After the match, Goldust comes in and checks on Truth. Goldust attacks Braun but has no luck. Braun applies a bearhug until Sami Zayn runs down. Sami puts up a fight but Braun lays him out. Braun turns Sami upside down in the corner and looks to destroy him again but referees run into the ring to stop him. Mick Foley makes his way down as we go to commercial.

– Back from the break and Sami is arguing with Foley in the ring. Byron asks Foley why he’s stopped action Sami has been involved in for two weeks in a row now. Foley expresses concern for Sami and says he won’t quit, and sometimes there are people in WWE that need to be saved from themselves. Sami says he needs to save himself from Foley. Foley gets upset and fires back. This ends with Sami calling Foley a hypocrite and storming out of the ring.

– Still to come, Sasha vs. Charlotte for the gold. We go backstage to Charlotte warming up. Dana Brooke is here to give her the latest update on tonight’s homecoming celebration. Charlotte says tonight is important because she will cement her legacy as the greatest women’s champion of all-time, she comes home to Charlotte, gives people purpose in their meaningless lives, ends the rivalry with Sasha and becomes the only legend to make it out of this city. She sends Dana back to party planning and we go back to commercial.

Cedric Alexander and vs. Tony Nese

Back from the break and Cedric Alexander makes his way out. Tony Nese waits in the ring with Drew Gulak. Gulak goes to ringside to watch as Nese and Cedric shake hands.

Back and forth to start. Cedric turns it around with a hurricanrana and a dropkick. We see Alicia Fox backstage watching and she has a thing for Cedric now. Fans chant for Cedric now. Nese turns it around after Gulak distracts Cedric. Nese with a moonsault for a 2 count. Nese drops the hometown star and poses.

Nese keeps Cedric grounded now. Cedric finally fights up and out for the comeback. Gulak tries to interfere again, allowing Nese to take advantage and get the win.

Winner: Tony Nese

– After the match, Gulak and Nese celebrate at ringside.

– We go to Enzo Amore and Big Cass with a Cyber Monday segment for WWE Shop.

– Still to come, Reigns vs. Owens with a title shot on the line. Back to commercial.

– The announcers look back at what happened earlier tonight.

– Charly Caruso is backstage with Chris Jericho. Jericho says yes, this is very personal to him. He says if Owens doesn’t need him, he doesn’t need Owens either. Jericho yells at Charly to get the hell out of here. He continues walking with his luggage and The List. Jericho yells at his driver to open the limousine door. He does and knocks The List to the ground. Jericho calls him a stupid idiot and tells him to get in the car. It sounds like the driver asks if he made The List but it’s Seth Rollins. Rollins unloads on Jericho and beats him around while talking trash about making The List. Rollins launches a large piece of railing at Jericho but he avoids it. Rollins slams Jericho into a few cars and goes for a Pedigree on the concrete. Jericho avoids it and back drops Rollins on top of a car. Rollins pulls Jericho up and plants him on the roof of the car with a Pedigree.

– Still to come, Sasha vs. Charlotte. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we see what just happened to Jericho.

RAW Women’s Title Match: Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte Flair

We go to …

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