WWE Talking Smack Recap (11/22): Guests James Ellsworth, American Alpha And Baron Corbin


TONIGHT on #TalkingSmack with @WWEDanielBryan & @ReneeYoungWWE: #AmericanAlpha, @BaronCorbinWWE & @RealEllsworth! #SDLive pic.twitter.com/i7JcIWz0hp

— WWE (@WWE) November 23, 2016

WWE Talking Smack On The WWE Network

Renee Young opens this week’s show with co-host, Smackdown Live GM, Daniel Bryan. They both talk about James Ellsworth defeating AJ Styles in a ladder match to earn a contract with Smackdown Live. Bryan says that the fans love watching James Ellsworth. Daniel mentions that James wanted a WWE Title match against Styles, if he were to win tonight, and since he did. Bryan will talk to Shane about that possibility.

The next topic of conversation is The Survivor Series. Bryan says that overall, He was disappointed. Daniel says that he wanted everyone to work together, and even though, The Smackdown Men’s team won. Bryan feels that they failed to get everyone on the same page. Bryan then talks about feeling regret for putting Shane McMahon in that match. How Shane’s wife and son were at ringside. How they watched Shane get seriously hurt on Roman Reigns mid-air spear. Renee and Daniel talk about the condition, Shane was in, when he got back to the dressing room. Bryan says that watching Shane in that condition in front of his family, That it nearly put him in tears.

Renee then asks about Nikki Bella’s attack at The Survivor Series. Asking Bryan, who he thinks attacked Nikki. Daniel Bryan jokingly says that it was Goldberg.

RENEE: Who do YOU think attacked Nikki? BRYAN: “I think it was @GOLDBERG!” **laughter** #TalkingSmack pic.twitter.com/cujWdvR3qP

— WWE Network (@WWENetwork) November 23, 2016

Renee asks Daniel what he thought of Goldberg’s victory over Brock Lesnar sunday… Bryan admits that he has given the Attitude Era stars on Raw, a lot of crap. He admits that the fans were so excited for that match. How Goldberg-Lesnar had a special aura surrounding it. Bryan admits that he got as emotional for that match, as he did for Shane McMahon on sunday, but for a different reason. Bryan says watching Goldberg perform in front of his son and wife, made him tear up. He loved the scene of Goldberg’s son coming into the ring to pose with his father….. Bryan puts over Bill Goldberg as a human being. Says that people don’t realize how good of a human being that Goldberg actually is. That Goldberg does so many charitable acts without publicity or fanfare. Bryan says that Goldberg goes around giving gifts to children in need. That he does so much for the community in Atlanta. Bryan says that he respects him greatly… He then goes on to say that he feels like, he has failed because they haven’t gotten Smackdown Live stars over to the level of Goldberg. This comment surprises Renee…. Daniel says that he can picture Goldberg in the main event of WrestleMania 33. He wants to be able to picture one of The Smackdown Live stars the same way. Bryan wants to see talents like Styles and Ambrose get the same reaction that Goldberg does.

Renee then asks Daniel about his thoughts on Randy Orton and Bray Wyatt being the sole survivors at The Survivor Series. Daniel admits that he did not see that one coming. Bryan says that he thought initially that Randy Orton joining The Wyatt Family, was just a ploy. That Randy was borrowing from his old playbook. Now …

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