WWE Monday Night RAW Results – Goldberg Speaks, No DQ Main Event, #1 Contenders Matches, More


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– Tonight’s WWE RAW pens with Michael Cole, Byron Saxton and Corey Graves from Toronto.

– Bill Goldberg is shown walking backstage to the arena.

Goldberg thanks everyone for giving him the chance to be Goldberg again. He thanks his wife and his son. He says he came, he fought and he conquered The Beast Brock Lesnar at Survivor Series. Goldberg says Stephanie McMahon asked him backstage if he had one more title run in him. Goldberg says he does and says he will be in the Royal Rumble. Goldberg says everyone is next in the Rumble. He drops the mic and leaves.

– We see Cesaro, Sheamus and The New Day backstage arguing.

RAW Tag Team Title Match: Cesaro and Sheamus vs. The New Day

Back from the break and RAW Tag Team Champions The New Day are out first. They cut promos on how they will pass Demolition’s record soon. Cesaro and Sheamus are out next.

Back and forth to start. We go back to commercial after Kofi gets sent into the ring post.

Back from the break and Kofi nails a big dropkick on Sheamus. Sheamus decks Big E and gets another 2 count on Kofi. Sheamus goes for the forearms on the apron and hits them as Xavier Woods looks on. Sheamus goes on and accidentally knocks Cesaro off the apron. Big E tags in and nails a big suplex on Sheamus, and another, and a third. Cesaro comes in but gets dumped back out. Kofi leaps off the steps and takes him out. Big E with the splash on Sheamus for a 2 count.

Sheamus avoids the Big Ending and hits White Noise for another 2 count. Cesaro comes in and hits the uppercut train on Kofi. Kofi stops it with a kick. Cesaro catches Kofi in mid-air for a big backbreaker. Kofi kicks out at 2. Kofi hits the SOS but Cesaro kicks out at 2. Kofi goes for the Boom Drop and nails it. Cesaro blocks Trouble In Paradise and hits the Cesaro Swing for a pop. Cesaro with the Sharpshooter now. Kofi goes for the bottom rope and Big E’s hand but Sheamus hits the Brogue Kick on Big E on the floor. Kofi taps but Woods is distracting the referee on the apron. Fans boo. Kofi takes advantage of a distracted Cesaro and rolls him up for 2.

Winners: The New Day

– After the match, The New Day head to the ramp with their titles as Cesaro and Sheamus stand in the ring. We go to replays.

– Charly Caruso is backstage with Chris Jericho for his reaction to what happened last night. Jericho says Team RAW fell apart when The List was used as a weapon, when his deepest thoughts were strewn all over the ring. Jericho will tell the world who is to blame on The Highlight Reel later tonight.

– Still to come, RAW Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and Enzo Amore is shown backstage trying to get back into the locker room. Apparently Big Cass has locked him out after a shower. Enzo turns around and he’s naked but they have blurred his lower region. Enzo walks around naked and encounters The Shining Stars, then Titus O’Neil, then Lana. Lana asks how she’s doing and Rusev walks up. He’s furious. Cass appears next and asks if there’s a problem. This leads to some comedy and some arguing. Rusev tells Enzo to get some clothes on and meet him in the ring. Lana and Rusev leave. Cass then leaves and Enzo is left standing there, still naked.

– Mick Foley and Stephanie are backstage talking when Sami Zayn walks in. Foley says he’s a big believer in Sami but he didn’t bring the Intercontinental Title to RAW and there must be repercussions for failure. Foley makes Sami vs. Braun Strowman for tonight. Stephanie wishes Sami good luck and he leaves.

Cedric Alexander vs. Ariya Daivari

We go to the ring and out comes Cedric Alexander. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Ariya Daivari is out next. He cuts a heel promo and says Canadians are no better than Americans. The match starts and Cedric nails a dropkick. Back and forth now. Daivari drops Cedric for a 2 count and then keeps him grounded.

Cedric tries to springboard in but Daivari takes his leg out and Cedric lands bad. Daivari with another 2 count. Daivari keeps control and hits a big clothesline for another 2 count. Daivari runs into an elbow. Cedric unloads and make a comeback now. Cedric drops Daivari with a nice kick. Daivari dumps Cedric to the apron but he springboards back in and takes him down with a flying clothesline.

They trade counters and Cedric hits the Lumbar Check for the win.

Winner: Cedric Alexander

– After the match, Alexander stands tall as we go to replays. Cedric celebrates as the announcers hype 205 Live.

– Chris Jericho is backstage and he doesn’t look happy. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and out comes Chris Jericho for another edition of The Highlight Reel.

Jericho cuts a promo on Team RAW losing at Survivor Series, calling it a travesty. Jericho is about to reveal who’s to blame for the loss but the music hits and out comes WWE Universal Champion Kevin Owens to interrupt.

Owens says he actually knows who is to blame and that’s why he came out. He asks if Jericho minds if he uses the JeriTron to show us. They have some words over the actual name of the screen. Owens shows us Jericho about to get hit by a Styles Clash during the match but Owens made the save, hitting WWE World Champion AJ Styles with The List. Owens says he saved Jericho because they are best friends. Jericho wonders if Owens is really his best friend, because he would know how much The List means to Jericho and wouldn’t use it as a weapon Jericho goes on about The List and Owens asks who cares? Jericho says he cares, it means everything to him. They argue and Owens says it’s a waste of their friendship. They stare each other down. Jericho says if that’s how Owens really feels, maybe they don’t have much of a friendship to begin with. Jericho says Owens is never there when he needs his help, week after week. Jericho says he’s finished with this conversation and finished with Kevin Owens. Jericho goes to leave but Owens turns him around. Owens is going to tell us who’s to blame…

Jericho and Owens yell out, “Roman Reigns!” at the same time and the crowd pops. They hug each other as a “yes!” chant breaks out.

A “Roman sucks” chant starts. Jericho and Owens both know they wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize the friendship. They start knocking Reigns for the Survivor Series loss now. Owens starts blaming Seth Rollins next. The music hits and out comes Rollins to a pop. Rollins reminds us he was promised certain opportunities by being on Team RAW last night and now he wants a title shot against Owens tonight. The crowd pops. Another “yes!” chant starts. Owens says the guy who used to do that chant is …

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