WWE Survivor Series Results – Bill Goldberg Vs. Brock Lesnar, Team RAW Vs. Team SmackDown, More


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– The WWE Survivor Series Kickoff pre-show opens with Renee Young, Booker T, Lita and Jerry Lawler inside an empty Air Canada Centre in Toronto. Fans have not started filing in yet. The panel hypes tonight’s show. Renee sends us backstage to Tom Phillips in the Social Media Lounge. He will be joined by WWE Universal Champion Kevin Owens later tonight. Fans can submit their questions with the #AskOwens hashtag.

– We go back to the panel for more discussion on tonight’s show. They announce Kane vs. Luke Harper and for tonight’s pre-show, as well as a six-man cruiserweight match. We go to a video for Team RAW vs. Team SmackDown. More discussion for tonight’s matches. Lawler predicts Team RAW will win because of James Ellsworth. Booker and Lita go with Team SmackDown. We take another break and come back to more RAW vs. SmackDown discussion. They talk about the women’s Traditional Elimination match next. Lita goes with Team SmackDown, Booker predicts Team RAW will win and Lawler agrees with Lita. We get discussion on tonight’s WWE Intercontinental Title match next.

– Fans are starting to fill up the arena as we come back to the panel. We go backstage to Sami Zayn and RAW General Manager Mick Foley. Sami thanks him for the opportunity. Foley says Sami earned it, he didn’t give Sami anything. Foley talks about how he heard about Sami from his son, who is a Sami superfan. Sami says Foley is the reason he became a professional wrestler. Sami goes on and says he will become the Intercontinental Champion before storming off. Foley says Sami didn’t need his motivation. We go back to the panel. Booker believes Sami can take the gold tonight. Lawler wonders why Daniel Bryan isn’t motivating The Miz like Foley did with Sami. Miz comes out to the panel with Maryse now. Miz knocks Bryan and agrees with Lawler. Miz accuses Bryan of rooting for Sami tonight. Miz goes on about how he’s made his title the most prestigious in WWE. Miz says he and his wife will be victorious tonight, then will see if Bryan is still interested in trading him. Miz leaves the panel and we hear fans booing him.

– Renee leads us to a preview for Disney’s “Moana” with The Rock. We get discussion on tonight’s match with tag teams. Booker and Lawler predict Team SmackDown will win while Lita goes with Team RAW. We get a vignette on Brian Kendrick next. The panel discusses tonight’s Cruiserweight Title match. Lawler goes with Kalisto while Booker and Lita predict Kendrick will retain. We go backstage to Nikki Bella and SmackDown Women’s Champion Becky Lynch backstage talking about Team RAW. Dana Brooke walks up with RAW Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair. Charlotte taunts them both. Nikki says SmackDown will prove why they’re the better women’s division tonight and will burn Team RAW to the ground. Charlotte says she has no problem putting Nikki in a neck brace again. We go back to the panel for hype on tonight’s pre-show matches. We also see Tom and Kevin in the Social Media Lounge before taking another break.

– We come back to Tom Phillips and WWE Universal Champion Kevin Owens in the Social Media Lounge. Owens is wearing his new Blue Jays-inspired t-shirt. Owens notices Tom didn’t invite his best friend, so he invites him. Owens yells for Chris Jericho and here he comes. They spend most of the session messing with Tom. It ends with Tom being added to The List.

Tony Nese, Drew Gulak and Ariya Daivari vs. Noam Dar, TJ Perkins and Rich Swann

We go to the ring and Mauro Ranallo is on commentary with Corey Graves. Tony Nese, Drew Gulak and Ariya Daivari are out first as Greg Hamilton does the introduction. Noam Dar is out first for his team. Rich Swann and TJ Perkins are out next. Swann starts off with Nese. Perkins comes in and keeps up the attack on Nese. We hear Charly Caruso talking to the production truck out of nowhere. Gulak and Swann go at it now. Dar comes in to take control of Gulak. Another tag to Perkins.

Gulak takes control as fans chant for Perkins. Perkins catches him in the knee bar. Both teams come in and argue as we go to a break.

Back from the break and the babyfaces are in control. Daivari takes control of Dar after a distraction from Nese. Gulak is in with more offense on Dar as they keep him in their corner. Gulak works on Dar’s knee now. Daivari comes in and goes at it with Dar. Dar has to knock Gulak off the apron but he goes back down. Fans rally as Dar makes a tag to Swann. Swann runs wild and hits a Frankensteiner on Daivari for a 2 count. Gulak gets a cheap shot in on Swann while Nese distracts the referee. Daivari with a close 2 count as Dar and Perkins break the pin up. Gulak ends up on the floor. Dar leaps out onto him. Nese flies out next. Perkins runs the ropes but the referee stops him from diving. Fans boo. Perkins jumps out anyway, using the referee’s back, and takes out the others.

Swann drops Daivari with a big kick in the ring. Swann nails a standing 450 for the win.

Winners: Rich Swann, TJ Perkins and Noam Dar

– After the match, the winners stand tall as fans continue filling the arena. We go to replays and come back to Swann, Dar and TJP celebrating while Graves and Ranallo hype 205 Live.

– We get more discussion from the panel and a backstage segment with Brian Kendrick talking down to Kalisto.

Luke Harper vs. Kane

Back to the ring and Mauro Ranallo is with JBL and David Otunga. The pyro hits as Kane makes his way out. Luke Harper is out next by himself.

Back and forth to start. Kane takes control until Harper dumps him through the ropes. Harper runs and nails a dive, sending Kane into the barrier. Harper brings it back in the ring and hits a senton from the apron for a 2 count. Harper with a running big boot for another 2 count. We go to a break.

Back from the break and Harper keeps Kane down. Harper drops a bunch of knees and stands tall as some fans boo. Harper goes to the top but Kane cuts him off with an uppercut. Kane with another right hand. Kane climbs up for a superplex and nails it. Harper avoids a chokeslam but Kane unloads on him. Kane with splashes in the corner and a sidewalk slam for a 2 count.

Harper drops Kane with a back kick for a 2 count. Harper runs into a big boot. Harper nails a dropkick for a 2 count. More back and forth. Kane with a DDT for a close 2 count. Harper with more kicks. Harper catches Kane in a sidewalk slam for another pin attempt. Kane ends up getting the win with a chokeslam.

Winner: Kane

– After the match, Kane stands tall and makes the ring explode as we go to replays.

– We go back to the panel for more discussion on tonight’s show and the main event. Lawler goes with Brock Lesnar while Lita predicts Goldberg will win. Booker just predicts there will be pain. We get a video for Lesnar vs. Goldberg.

– The 2016 WWE Survivor Series pay-per-view kicks off with a video package.

– We’re live with Mauro Ranallo, JBL, Corey Graves and Byron Saxton at ringside.

Traditional Elimination Match: Team RAW (Bayley, Alicia Fox, Sasha Banks, Nia Jax, RAW Women’s Champion Charlotte) vs. Team SmackDown (Natalya, Carmella, Alexa Bliss, Naomi, SmackDown Women’s Champion Becky Lynch)

We go right to the ring and out first comes Bayley. Alicia Fox is out next followed by Nia Jax. Sasha Banks is out next to a pop. RAW Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair is out last for her team and Dana Brooke is with her. SmackDown Women’s Champion Becky Lynch is out first for her team. Naomi is out next, then Alexa Bliss. Team RAW looks on as Carmella makes her way out. Team Captain Nikki Bella is out last. Her music hits but she never appears. Cameras rush backstage to a trainer checking on Nikki. Daniel Bryan and team coach Natalya check on her. Nikki says someone hit her from behind but she didn’t see who it was. The trainer won’t clear her to compete. Natalya steps up and Bryan sends her to the ring to replace Nikki. Natalya’s music hits and out she comes to a pop.

Alicia and Carmella go at it to start. Fox with an early Northern Lights suplex for a 2 count. Carmella takes her down with a flying head scissors. Carmella with a Bronco Buster for a 2 count. Bayley and Becky come in at the same time. Before they can tangle, Charlotte tags herself in to boos. Sasha tags herself in and fans pop. Sasha and Charlotte start shoving each other as Becky watches. Bayley tries to stop them. Becky decks Charlotte. Every one gets in the ring and brawls now. Nia shuts Team SmackDown down on her own. Becky with a 2 count on Sasha after the ring clears. Sasha kicks Becky in the face but Charlotte tags herself back in. Becky with arm drags on Charlotte before keeping her grounded.

More back and forth between Charlotte and Becky. Charlotte avoids the Disarm-Her and makes it to the ropes. Nia tags in next. She rams Becky back into the corner and elbows her in the head. Carmella tags in and charges but Nia floors her. Bliss tags in for a pop but Nia stops her. Naomi is in next. She comes off the second rope but Nia catches her and drops her as well. Natalya is in next. Carmella tags herself in and they try to double team Nia but she nails a double clothesline. Fox tags back in but Carmella catches her and tosses her across the ring. Carmella misses a Bronco Buster. Fox slams her face into the turnbuckles several times. Fox hits a scissors kick for the pin. Carmella is eliminated.

Bliss comes in and sends Naomi into the corner. She comes off the top and covers Fox for the pin. Fox is eliminated.

Naomi gets the best of Charlotte. Nia tags in but Naomi knocks her off the apron. Naomi also goes for Sasha. Naomi ends up leaping off the apron and taking Nia out on the floor. More back and forth. Nia sends Naomi face first into the ring post and then yanks her off the apron. Naomi lands hard on the floor. Fans count along as Naomi gets counted out. Naomi is eliminated.

Bliss and Banks go at it now. Natalya is in next. Sasha gets stuck in SmackDown’s corner but decks Becky off the apron. Banks fights off Bliss and Natalya. She goes for the corner knees on Natalya and Bliss at the same time but Natalya retreats to the floor. Sasha still jumps out and takes her down with knees. Sasha brings Natalya back in but gets rolled up for a 2 count. Natalya with a suplex but Sasha slides out. Bliss stops a Backstabber. Natalya rolls Sasha up for the pin. Sasha is eliminated.

Charlotte and Natalya go at it now. Natalya with a big German suplex. Fans chant “Suplex City” as Charlotte turns it back around. She goes up for the moonsault but Natalya cuts her off and hits a sitdown powerbomb for a 2 count as Nia makes the save. Natalya with a Sharpshooter now. Charlotte makes it to the bottom rope with an assist from Dana. Charlotte hits a big running boot for the 3 count. Natalya is eliminated.

Becky and Bliss argue now. They start shoving each other. Nia charges but they duck her. They go for a double suplex on Nia but she counters and suplexes them at the same time. Becky dropkicks Nia while she’s holding Bliss. More tension between Becky and Bliss. Becky with a 2 count on Nia. Becky with the Disarm-Her for the submission. Nia is eliminated.

Nia pulls Becky to the floor and launches her into the barrier. Bliss tags herself in but Charlotte runs over her with a boot. Charlotte covers for the pin. Bliss is eliminated.

Becky and Charlotte go at it now. Becky unloads and hits a suplex. Becky goes to the top for a leg drop and a 2 count as Bayley runs in. Charlotte crawls for a tag and in comes Bayley. Becky stops in her tracks. They meet in the middle of the ring. Bayley drops her for a 2 count. They trade shots in the middle of the ring now. Bayley unloads but Becky catches her in another suplex for a 2 count. Becky goes on but misses a splash. Bayley turns it around for a 2 count. Bayley avoids the Disarm-Her. Bayley with a suplex. Bayley avoids the Disarm-Her again. Bayley catches Becky in the Bayley-to-Belly suplex for the win.

Winners: Bayley and Charlotte

– After the match, Charlotte and Bayley have their arms raised in the middle of the ring. Charlotte immediately nails Bayley and beats her down. Charlotte tosses Bayley out to the floor and follows. Charlotte launches her into the barrier as fans boo. Charlotte with another hard toss into the barrier. Bayley gets up but Charlotte runs over her with a boot. Charlotte talks trash as fans boo. Dana brings the RAW Women’s Title over and they leave together as Charlotte’s music plays. We go to replays from the match. Bayley recovers at ringside as Charlotte and Dana head up the ramp.

– We come back from a break and James Ellsworth is walking backstage. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson walk up to taunt him. Mick Foley appears and tells them to knock it off. They leave and Ellsworth marks out over meeting Foley. Foley invites Ellsworth to RAW but Ellsworth is committed to Team Blue. Foley leaves and Ellsworth turns around to Braun Strowman. Braun says, “don’t I know you?” and Ellsworth runs away.

WWE Intercontinental Title Match: Sami Zayn vs. The Miz

We go to the ring and out comes WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz with Maryse. Michael Cole has replaced Mauro and Otunga has replaced …

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