WWE Survivor Series: Team RAW Vs. Team SmackDown (Men’s Traditional Elimination Match)


The following is from our live coverage of WWE Survivor Series. To access our full coverage, click here.

Traditional Elimination Match: Team SmackDown (Shane McMahon, Bray Wyatt, Randy Orton, Dean Ambrose, WWE World Champion AJ Styles) vs. Team RAW (Braun Strowman, Seth Rollins, WWE United States Champion Roman Reigns, Chris Jericho, WWE Universal Champion Kevin Owens)

We go to the ring and JoJo introduces Team SmackDown mascot James Ellsworth and out he comes to a pop. Cole introduces some of the other international announce teams. SmackDown Commissioner Shane McMahon is out first for his team. Bray Wyatt and Randy Orton are out next. WWE World Champion AJ Styles is out next as his partners look on from ringside. JoJo starts the introductions and out comes Dean Ambrose.

Team SmackDown hits the ring and fans start chanting for Styles. Braun Strowman is out first for Team RAW. Seth Rollins is out next to a pop. WWE United States Champion Roman Reigns is out next to a lot of boos. Chris Jericho is out next to a very loud pop. WWE Universal Champion Kevin Owens is out last for Team RAW and he also gets a big pop.

Styles starts things off with Owens. Owens with a side headlock. Owens misses a senton as AJ moves out of the way. They trade blows in the middle of the ring now. AJ avoids a pop-up powerbomb and misses a pele kick. AJ fights off another powerbomb. Owens avoids the Styles Clash. A “stupid idiot” chant starts up now. Jericho tags in for a pop. Owens gives him a big hug as AJ looks on. Jericho throws his t-shirt in AJ’s face and attacks. Jericho takes AJ down and poses for a pop. Jericho runs the ropes and gets dropkicked. Rollins is tagged in next. Rollins and AJ size each other up. AJ tags in Ambrose.

Ambrose and Rollins are in until Jericho tags in. He talks some trash to Ambrose before they go at it. Ambrose goes for the slingshot clothesline but it’s blocked. More counters between the two. Jericho with a 1 count. Jericho slaps Ambrose and takes him to the corner. Jericho with more strikes that just pisses Ambrose off. Ambrose takes Jericho to the opposite corner and unloads on him. Shane tags in next for a pop. Shane goes to work on Jericho with lefts and rights. Jericho retreats to the floor for a breather and a tantrum. He comes right back in and Shane hits him with more punches. Shane with a hip attack and some arm drags.

Jericho takes it all and hits a dropkick to knock Shane down. Rollins comes back in and suplexes Shane for a 2 count. Reigns is in next to some boos. Reigns takes Shane to the corner and beats him up as some fans continue to boo him. Reigns with another big right on Shane. Rollins tags in and comes off the top rope with a right hand as Reigns holds Shane up. Rollins keeps Shane grounded now. Ambrose and Owens go at it now. Owens misses a corner cannonball and gets clotheslined. Ambrose knocks Jericho off the apron and nails a dive to the floor on Owens, sending him into the barrier. Ambrose brings Owens back in and goes to the top. Owens moves and Ambrose rolls through. Owens with a superkick. Ambrose counters a pop-up powerbomb. Jericho stops Dirty Deeds. Both teams face off and have words now. Braun tags himself in and all 10 Superstars are in the ring now.

Fans chant for Ellsworth. The two teams start brawling and most of them go to the floor. Braun catches Ambrose leaping out of the ring. Braun carries Ambrose around the ring but Styles leaps out and hits Braun. Owens watches from the ring. Owens goes to the top and nails a flip onto everyone else. Owens gets right up but gets dropped on the barrier. Shane goes to the top rope now but Braun cuts him off. Braun shoves Shane back into the ring by his throat. Braun runs over Shane with a big boot. Braun beats on Shane until AJ and Ambrose make the save. Ambrose and AJ double team Braun. Shane tackles Braun over the top and they both hit the floor. Reigns runs in and decks AJ as fans boo. AJ with a pele on Reigns while Ambrose takes out Rollins. AJ and Ambrose stand tall in the ring as fans …

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