TNA Impact Wrestling Results (11/17): Eddie Edwards And Jeff Hardy Vs. The DCC, #1 Contenders Match


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— Pop (@PopTV) November 17, 2016

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A video package airs that recaps The DCC’s emergence in TNA and the ending of last week’s Impact main event between Eddie Edwards and Eli Drake. Edwards successfully defended his world championship, only to be attacked by the DCC after the match ended. The DCC unmasked themselves and they were revealed to be newcomer Eddie Kingston, the returning Bram and former TNA World Champion James Storm.

The #DCC finally revealed @JamesStormBrand @BramTNA @MadKing_ston81#IMPACTonPOP


TNA World Champion, Eddie Edwards kicks off this week’s Impact in the ring. He talks about the giant target on his back, now that he is World Champ. He is fine with that. Says that he is ready to face anyone that has targeted him. He calls out The DCC and challenges them to come out. The DCC appears on the screen. They tell Edwards that their quest is not about titles. That they are here to create chaos. They announce that they accept Edwards challenge. The DCC arrive on the scene, back in their white masks. As they head to the ring, Eddie Kingston takes off his mask and attacks Edwards from behind. Storm and Bram unmask and help Kingston when Edwards starts to fight back. They triple team Edwards until Jeff Hardy runs out and makes the save. The show goes to it’s first break.

Back from the break. Eddie Edwards and Jeff Hardy are outside of the office of “The Boss” backstage. Aiden O’Shea is guarding the door. Edwards and Hardy demand to see the boss to make a request. O’Shea lets them in. The camera man tries to follow them but O’ Shea doesn’t allow him access.

Aron Rex vs. Jessie Godderz

This is not an Impact Grand championship styled match. No rounds here or judges. Godderz goes after Rex and dominates the early going. A lot of brawling in this one. Rex eventually turns the tables. Raking Jessie in the eyes and grounds him, and applies a chinlock. Jessie tries to fight back but is grounded again. Rex reapplies a chinlock. Aron ends up throwing Jessie to the outside. Rex then throws Jessie into the guardrails and rolls Jessie back in. The Pope on commentary says that Rex has been around the world and done it all… Funny to hear a TNA commentator say that when that is a standard WWE line for TNA talents that come into their company.

Rex applies yet another chinlock on Gooderz. Jessie fights out of it and hits some back elbows and clotheslines. He rakes Rex in the eyes to give him a taste of his own medicine. Godderz takes Rex to the outside of the ring and rams his head into the ring steps. Action back in the ring. Jessie hits a martial arts kick on Rex and gets a 2 count. Godderz tries to suplex Rex, Aron breaks out and clips Jessie’s knee. He goes for a Royal Arch submission, Godderz counters and puts Rex in The Adonis Crab. Rex taps out.

Jessie Godderz defeats Aron Rex by submission

Maria is backstage with Allie, Sienna and Laurel Van Ness. Laurel is on her cell phone. Tells Sienna that Braxton Sutter just sent her a cute text message. A curious Allie is surprised and disappointed that “Mr. Braxton” is texting Laurel. Laurel tells Allie that “He does more than just text me”. Allie gets really sad when Laurel tells her this. Maria rubs it in Allie’s face. Tells her that some people don’t know their place in the company. Maria then says the same thing about Brandi Rhodes. Makes fun of Cody for getting injured and how Brandi is now left alone to fend for herself. Maria tells Sienna and Laurel that they are the most dominant team in The Knockouts division and that no one wants to team with Brandi Rhodes.. Maria looks at Allie and says “Isn’t that right?”. Allie shakes her head and reluctantly tells Maria that she will never go against her, and that she won’t team up with Brandi. Sienna gets in Allie’s face and says that no one is dumb enough to go against them. They all stare Allie down and try and intimidate her, as the show goes to break.

Back from the break. A recap is shown of Gail Kim’s attempt to make a major announcement last week. How she was interrupted and attacked by Rosemary…. Gail Kim is now backstage with Jeremy Borash. She announces that she has to vacate The TNA Knockouts Championship. She is doing this because she suffered in her match with Maria recently. A disclaimer appears on screen that says that a new TNA Knockouts Champion will be crowned in 2 weeks.

We are now back to Jeff Hardy and Eddie Edwards. They are leaving the office of “The Boss”. Aiden O’Shea asks them how it went. Jeff says that it was smashing…. Just kidding…. Jeff and Eddie tell Aiden that they got a 2 against 3 match with The DCC. Where anything goes.

Laurel Van Ness & Sienna w/ Maria & Allie Vs. Brandi Rhodes and Madison Rayne

Brandi enters the ring. Maria is on the mic. She teases Brandi that she has no partner and is all alone. Maria says that she knows someone that might want to be Brandi’s partner. Maria looks in Allie’s direction and says that she has a tendency to get confused sometimes. Maria dismisses Allie from ringside and sends her to the back. Brandi tells Maria that Allie wasn’t her partner tonight. That she chose someone else. A 5 time Knockouts champ. Out comes Madison Rayne. She hugs a departing Allie on the stage.

Brandi chases Maria to the outside of the ring. Madison starts out with Laurel and slaps her silly. Sienna is in and she takes over. Slams …

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