WWE Monday Night RAW Results – Bill Goldberg Returns, Halloween Edition, Two Title Matches, More


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– We’re live from Hartford, CT as tonight’s WWE RAW kicks off with Bill Goldberg’s music playing to a pop. We see Goldberg backstage making his way out.

Goldberg makes his way to the ring as Michael Cole welcomes us to RAW. He’s joined by Byron Saxton and Corey Graves. Fans chant for Goldberg as he enters the ring. Goldberg says Brock Lesnar’s name and fans boo. Goldberg says three weeks… we get a “ladies and gentlemen” as Paul Heyman makes his way out to interrupt. Fans boo Heyman as he introduces himself on the ramp, slowly walking to the ramp. Heyman says his client is not appreciative of fans chanting Goldberg’s name. The chants start back up.

Heyman says the crowd is pissing him off. He has all the respect in the world for Goldberg and his abilities. Heyman says he knows Goldberg knows he’s not a physical threat, which is why Heyman is somewhat comfortable stepping into the ring as Lesnar wanted him to do. Goldberg stares Heyman down as he slowly makes his way into the ring. More Goldberg chants. Heyman goes on and says Goldberg has quite the streak over Lesnar right now, 1-0, but Lesnar conquers streaks. Heyman says Lesnar has decided not to wait until November 20th at Survivor Series. Heyman says Lesnar wants to face off with Goldberg right here… Heyman introduces Lesnar and the crowd goes wild as his music hits. Goldberg waits for a fight as Heyman watches from the corner and starts laughing. There is no Lesnar.

Fans boo. Heyman says “gotcha” and repeats himself, bragging on how he got everyone in the crowd, everyone at home. Heyman points at Goldberg’s son and the disappointment on his face at ringside. Heyman says there will also be disappointment on his face when his dad is beaten, victimized and conquered at Survivor Series by Brock Les… Heyman sees Goldberg getting pissed. He starts copping pleas when the music hits and out comes Rusev. Fans chant for Lana as Rusev takes the mic. Rusev asks Goldberg who he thinks he is. The Goldberg chants start back up. Rusev tells everyone he already knows Goldberg’s name. Goldberg thinks he’s some kind of superhero but Rusev doesn’t think he has it anymore. Rusev goes on and wonders if Goldberg still has the heart. Rusev says Lesnar isn’t here but he is. He goes on and rocks Goldberg with a right hand. Goldberg eats it. Rusev goes for another but Goldberg blocks it and awkwardly delivers some knees. Goldberg recovers and nails a Jackhammer on Rusev. Goldberg gets hyped up and turns around to deliver a spear on Heyman. The crowd pops as Goldberg hits the corner to pose.

– The announcers hype last night’s Hell In a Cell.

– Still to come, Mick Foley’s Survivor Series Address. Also, a Trick or Street Fight with Enzo Amore and Big Cass vs. The Club. Back to commercial.

Trick or Street Fight: Luke Gallows vs. Enzo Amore

Back from the break and there are all sorts of Halloween gimmicks around the ring. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson are out first. Enzo Amore and Big Cass are out next to a pop. They’re dressed as Buzz and Woody from Toy Story. They cut promos on Gallows and Anderson, promising to beat them to infinity and beyond. The bell rings and Gallows sends Enzo to the floor early on.

Enzo drops Gallows on the floor with a baseball slide and beats him with a skeleton. Enzo puts Gallows face first into a bobbing-for-apples bucket and keeps control as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Gallows is in control on the floor now. Gallows smashes a pumpkin over Enzo. He grabs a candy corn kendo stick and brings things back in the ring for a big clothesline. Gallows places a picket fence over Enzo and hits him with the kendo stick. More kendo shots from Gallows. Enzo fights back and throws pumpkins at Gallows. More back and forth. Cass slides a pie to Enzo. Anderson tries grabbing Enzo but takes the pie to the face. Cass boots Anderson through a table. Cass ends up putting a big pumpkin on Gallows’ head while Enzo comes off the top for the win.

Winner: Enzo Amore

– After the match, Enzo and Cass celebrate as we go to replays.

– We see an ambulance leaving the arena. Cole says Heyman is being taken to a local medical facility because of the spear from Goldberg.

– We see Brian Kendrick walking backstage. Back to commercial.

WWE RAW Cruiserweight Title Match: TJ Perkins vs. Brian Kendrick

Back from the break and out comes TJ Perkins for this Hell In a Cell rematch. New WWE RAW Cruiserweight Champion Brian Kendrick is out next as JoJo makes the introduction.

Kendrick cuts a promo on his way to the ring and brags about last night’s win. Kendrick says he never needed Perkins to let him win, he was just playing mind games and playing off Perkins’ sympathies. Kendrick says he hopes Perkins has a plan to get the title back because we better believe he has a plan on how to keep it. The bell rings and Perkins unloads to start. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Perkins drops Kendrick with a dropkick. More back and forth but Perkins plants Kendrick on his face. Perkins keeps control and springboards in with a dropkick to the back of the neck. Perkins drops Kendrick with knees to the gut for a 2 count. Perkins goes for the kneebar but Kendrick makes it to the bottom rope. Perkins goes to the top but Kendrick crotches him. Perkins knocks Kendrick back and sends him over the top rope with a big hurricanrana. Perkins also lands on the floor and hit his head on the apron.

The referee counts but both look to make it back in the ring. Kendrick gets himself counted out on purpose to retain.

Winner by Count Out: TJ Perkins

– After the bell, Kendrick makes his exit but Perkins attacks on the ramp. Perkins applies the kneebar and won’t let up as referees try to get him off. Perkins’ music hits as Kendrick clutches his title on the floor.

– RAW General Manager Mick Foley is backstage talking to a staffer about Negan’s bat in The Walking Dead. Braun Strowman walks up and says he wants to be a part of Team RAW at Survivor Series. Braun talks about what he’s done and says he’s getting tired of this, Foley knows what he’s capable of and he wants real competition. Braun says he will destroy half of the roster right now unless Foley gives him what he wants. Foley reveals a battle royal for tonight and says the winner will be on Team RAW. Foley tells Braun to go earn his Survivor Series spot and wishes him a Happy Halloween. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and out comes Mick Foley for …

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