WWE Hell In A Cell: Sheamus And Cesaro Vs. The New Day (RAW Tag Team Title Match)


– We get a backstage segment where it appears Sheamus and Cesaro are on the same page but the tension is still there.

RAW Tag Team Title Match: Sheamus and Cesaro vs. The New Day

Back to the ring and out come WWE RAW Tag Team Champions The New Day. Xavier Woods takes the mic first and they cut promos. Kofi gets a pop for being from Boston.

Xavier starts off with Cesaro as Kofi watches from the floor. Back and forth from both teams to start. Woods gets a close 2 count on Sheamus. Sheamus drops him with an axe handle. Sheamus keeps Woods grounded now.

Big E finally gets a tag and unloads on Sheamus. Big E with the splash. Cesaro runs in but gets tossed tot he floor. Woods runs the ropes and leaps out onto Cesaro. Sheamus misses a Brogue Kick on Big E. Big E catches Sheamus and powerbombs him for a close 2 count. Sheamus blocks the Big Ending and scoop slams Big E for a 2 count. Woods tags in and hits a crossbody on Sheamus. Sheamus rolls through for a 2 …

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