WWE Hell In A Cell Results – Three Cell Matches, New Champion Crowned, The New Day, Bayley, More


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– We’re live from the TD Garden in Boston as Renee Young welcomes us to the WWE Hell In a Cell Kickoff pre-show. She’s joined by Lita, Jerry Lawler and Booker T. They hype tonight’s matches and plug the WWE Network, then Survivor Series. We go backstage to Tom Phillips in the Social Media Lounge. He will be joined by RAW Tag Team Champions The New Day later tonight and fans can submit their questions with the #AskNewDay hashtag. We go back to the panel for hype on tonight’s WWE United States Title match. Renee leads us to a video package.

– Renee confirms that Rusev vs. Reigns will open the pay-per-view. Booker goes with Reigns while Lawler predicts a new champion. Lita agrees with Lawler. Back from a break and we see the TD Garden filling up as the Cell hangs high above the ring. Renee welcomes Bayley to the panel and asks about her match with Dana Brooke tonight. Bayley says tonight is about revenge as Dana made it personal a few weeks back by trying to injure her. Bayley says she’s here to be at the top, to win the title, and she’s here to take Dana out if that’s the next step. She also says she thinks Sasha Banks will retain tonight but she will be there in line for a title shot. Renee hypes Enzo Amore and Big Cass vs. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson next. We get a video for that match.

– Lita goes with Enzo and Cass but both Booker and Lawler disagree. We get another break and come back to a video package on tonight’s WWE Universal Title match. Booker goes with Owens while Lita and Lawler predict Rollins will win the title. Back from a break and RAW Cruiserweight Champion TJ Perkins is backstage when Brian Kendrick walks in. Kendrick brings up how he asked TJ to let him win and says he needs this. Perkins says he has a lot on the line too but it’s not about that, they’re representing the entire cruiserweight division. Kendrick says their friendship can be just like old times if they can get through this. Kendrick goes on and Perkins tells him to forget about the past, they will always be friends. Kendrick says he needs this. Perkins tells him to go out and be the Kendrick he used to know, do it the right way and try to win. Perkins goes to leave and Kendrick stops him, and says he needs to let Kendrick win. Kendrick walks off. We go back to the panel and Rich Swann has joined them. Swann says Kendrick’s request is disrespectful to the whole division. Swann ends up dancing for the panel.

Ariya Daivari, Tony Nese and Drew Gulak vs. Sin Cara, Lince Dorado and Cedric Alexander

We go to the ring and Corey Graves is on commentary with Mauro Ranallo as JoJo introduces Sin Cara first. Lince Dorado is out next followed by Cedric Alexander. Tony Nese is out first for his team followed by Drew Gukak. Ariya Daivari is out last.

The two teams meet in the middle of the ring after the bell. Cara starts off with Nese and Nese drops Cara first. Back and forth now. Nese comes off the ropes but Cara catches him in mid-air for a backbreaker. Gulak runs in but Cara hits him with a backbreaker. Daivari is in next but Cara also slams him. Nese provides a distraction, allowing Daivari to hit a neckbreaker for a 2 count. Daivari with a headlock now.

Dorado and Nese are in now. Dorado with some nice offense and a spinning heel kick to take Nese down. Dorado goes to the top for a Shooting Star Press but Gulak breaks the pin. Cedric and Cara come in to take Ariya and Gulak to the floor. Dorado goes up top but Nese cuts him off and they go at it again. Nese counters and launches Dorado out on top of Cedric and Cara. We go to commercial with the heels in control.

Back from the break and Daivari is in control of Dorado in the ring. Daivari with a jumping knee for a 2 count. Gulak tags in and goes to work on Dorado with a submission. Gulak works on the leg now. Nese tags in to keep Dorado in their corner. Nese ends up hitting a springboard moonsault for a 2 count. Alexander finally gets a tag and the babyfaces unload, nailing a triple dive to the floor on their opponents. Gulak and Cedric go at it now. Gulak with a Dragon Sleeper. Nese stops Cara from coming in. Dorado with a leg drop from the top. Daivari takes out Dorado. Cara rolls Daivari up and powerbombs him. Nese with an inverted slam on Cara. Cedric takes out Gulak but gets rolled up for 2. Cedric ends up catching Gulak in the Lumbar Check for the win.

Winners: Cedric Alexander, Sin Cara and Lince Dorado

– After the match, the babyfaces stand tall and celebrate.

– We go backstage to the Social Media Lounge. Tom is with RAW Tag Team Champions The New Day. Lots of shenanigans.

– We get more hype from the panel and that’s it for the pre-show.

– The 2016 WWE Hell In a Cell pay-per-view opens up with a video package on tonight’s triple main event.

– We’re live from the TD Garden in Boston as the pyro goes off. Michael Cole welcomes us. He’s joined by Corey Graves and Byron Saxton. We see the Cell down around the ring for tonight’s opener.

Hell In a Cell for the WWE United States Title: Rusev vs. Roman Reigns

We go to the stage and out first comes Lana. She introduces her husband and out comes Rusev. Rusev marches to the Cell and enters for the first time. We see the Spanish and German announcers at ringside. WWE United States Champion Roman Reigns is out next to a mixed reaction.

The bell rings and they go at it. Rusev gets the upperhand but Reigns fires back. Rusev drops Reigns and covers for a 1 count as the dueling chants start. Rusev sends Reigns to the floor and follows. Reigns blocks and Rusev goes back in. Reigns follows but Rusev takes him to the corner. Reigns fights out but gets nailed by a big kick to the ribs. Reigns throws Rusev to the floor now. Rusev comes right back to the apron but Reigns bumps him off, sending him into the steel. Reigns goes out and continues using the steel. Rusev eventually turns it around and works Reigns over on the floor. Reigns goes down after getting sandwiched. Rusev runs Reigns’ face into the steel. Rusev brings it back in and keeps control.

Reigns sidesteps at one point but Rusev comes right back with a hip toss. Rusev goes for a headbutt but Reigns moves. Reigns comes back and unloads in the corner as fans count. Reigns floors Rusev with a boot to the face. Reigns waits for Rusev to get up but Rusev rolls to the floor. Reigns comes out for a Drive By but Rusev blocks it and sends Reigns into the steel steps. Rusev sends Reigns into the steel again. Rusev grabs part of the steel steps and nails Reigns. Rusev with another steps shot to Reigns, this one sending him to the floor. Rusev throws the steps in the ring now.

Rusev brings Reigns in the ring and puts the steps on the top rope in the corner. Rusev goes to whip Reigns face first into the steel but he blocks it. Reigns blocks again and rocks Rusev with strikes. Reigns clotheslines Rusev to the floor. Reigns sends Rusev into the steel again. Rusev fights back on the floor and torpedo’s Reigns into the Cell wall. Rusev goes under the ring and brings a kendo stick out. Reigns comes out of nowhere with a Drive By. Reigns grabs the kendo stick and smacks Rusev with it several times. Reigns unloads and beats Rusev down with the stick. Reigns brings it back in the ring but Rusev kicks him with a low blow using the rope. Rusev ties Reigns up in the ropes and beats him with the kendo stick.

Reigns nails a big clothesline out of nowhere for a 2 count. More back and forth. Rusev blocks the Samoan Drop and then a Superman punch. Reigns eventually nails the Superman punch but Rusev kicks out at 2. Fans boo as Reigns readies for a spear. He runs into a superkick. Rusev sends him face first into the steps on the top rope but Reigns kicks out at 2. Rusev stomps and applies The Accolade. Rusev keeps the hold locked for a minute or so until Reigns starts to hulk up. Rusev re-applies the hold but Reigns breaks free. Reigns charges but Rusev drops him with a kick to the head. Reigns rolls to the floor and Rusev follows. Rusev goes under the ring and brings a big chain out.

Reigns knocks the chain away and unloads on Rusev at ringside. Reigns brings it back in the ring but Rusev gets the chain and beats Reigns down with it. Dueling chants start again as Rusev brings the other half of the steel steps in the ring. Rusev stands the steps up but Reigns fights back. Rusev slams Reigns’ head into the steps and then sends him shoulder first into it. Rusev with a superkick for a close 2 count. Rusev lays Reigns on top of the steps and grabs the chain. Rusev applies The Accolade on top of the steps and uses the chain to pull back on Reigns’ mouth. Rusev tightens the hold with his arms but Reigns starts powering up. Reigns gets Rusev on his shoulders and drops him on top of the steps with a Samoan Drop. Rusev stands up on the steps but Reigns spears him off them for the win.

Winner: Roman Reigns

– After the match, Reigns recovers as we go to replays. We come back to Reigns raising the title on top of the steps. He hits the corner to pose for the fans.

– We go backstage with Tom …

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