WWE Hell In A Cell: Rusev Vs. Roman Reigns (HIAC For The WWE United States Title)


The following is from our live coverage of WWE Hell In A Cell. To access our full coverage, click here.

Hell In a Cell for the WWE United States Title: Rusev vs. Roman Reigns

We go to the stage and out first comes Lana. She introduces her husband and out comes Rusev. Rusev marches to the Cell and enters for the first time. We see the Spanish and German announcers at ringside. WWE United States Champion Roman Reigns is out next to a mixed reaction.

The bell rings and they go at it. Rusev gets the upperhand but Reigns fires back. Rusev drops Reigns and covers for a 1 count as the dueling chants start. Rusev sends Reigns to the floor and follows. Reigns blocks and Rusev goes back in. Reigns follows but Rusev takes him to the corner. Reigns fights out but gets nailed by a big kick to the ribs. Reigns throws Rusev to the floor now. Rusev comes right back to the apron but Reigns bumps him off, sending him into the steel. Reigns goes out and continues using the steel. Rusev eventually turns it around and works Reigns over on the floor. Reigns goes down after getting sandwiched. Rusev runs Reigns’ face into the steel. Rusev brings it back in and keeps control.

Reigns sidesteps at one point but Rusev comes right back with a hip toss. Rusev goes for a headbutt but Reigns moves. Reigns comes back and unloads in the corner as fans count. Reigns floors Rusev with a boot to the face. Reigns waits for Rusev to get up but Rusev rolls to the floor. Reigns comes out for a Drive …

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